Shelly 1 no output is created

ok. I did some testing with the latest binding and there is a different problem so I cannot recommed installing it. So we need to stick with the latest release build.

Let’s do it step by step (please do not omit some steps):

  1. Make a backup of your config: run /usr/share/openhab/runtime/bin/backup
  2. Delete all files you have added to /usr/share/openhab/addons (you can leave addons.kar and any other (non-shelly) binding you might have copied there earlier)
  3. Delete Shelly things
  4. Uninstall (“remove”) shelly binding from GUI in the Addons Store
  5. open ssh connection to your openhab server and start openhab console
  6. run bundle:list | grep Shelly and check whether all shelly bindings are uninstalled
  7. bundle:list | grep Californium should return no hits
  8. logout from oh console
  9. stop openhab: sudo systemctl stop openhab
  10. cleancache: sudo openhab-cli clean-cache
  11. start openhab: sudo systemctl start openhab
  12. wait a few minutes until openhab is fully started
  13. start MainUI, goto Addons Store, add the Shelly binding, and click on the gear icon so that you can enter username and password for your shellys.
  14. in MainUI, goto Settings → Things → Inbox
    Your Shellys should automatically appear here
    If not, goto Settings → Things → hit the plus button, select shelly binding and press “scan”

Your items will not get lost during this procedure. If you provide the same ThingUID when adding new things the chances are high that all items will be automatically re-linked to the things channel.

Whitch Shelly Binding should I use
I got the snapshot installed.
Whitch shelly binding should I use now.
Snapshot 4.2 or 4.1.1

As i said the dev binding (which is the snapshot 4.2 binding) has a problem which you can check yourself: when trying to add things , the binding 4.3 does not appear in the list of bindings (at least here on my system).
This means we need to go back to 4.1.1
Sorry for the confusion

But now I can´t get back.
I have two shelly bindings with snapshot an none with 4.1.1
Is it possible to make a clean installation and restore the backup?

Did you remove all the files from the addons folder?
Please also reboot your machine

Yes I removed all and I restarted my computer.
Now I have 2 shelly Bindings in the view, but if I open them, both show me snapshot 4.2.0

log in to openhab console and run bundle:list | grep Shelly
could you post the result here?

I have already installed the binding.

But the return of bundle:list | grep Shelly is nothing

I assume your addon folder is empty?
Remove the binding of your screenshot
stop openhab and cleancache
restart your Pi
now install shelly binding. watch out that you do not install the binding from marketplace but the „regular“ one from „openhab Distribution“

My folder is empty.
There is only the kar - file in it.
There is are 2 Shelly Binding in the openHab distribution shown, but if I open them, there is the sampsot as version.
If I install one and click to the other one it opens and shows installed.

Can you see the binding when pressing the + button in settings - things?

Yes I can if I install it.

If I open both, I see the snapshot version.
The only Shelly1 is the garage opener.
So I’ll try to solve the problem with http binding and call the url.

I realized opening the garage with a http-Binding
Maybe it works in a later version

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