Shelly 1 no output is created

I’m new on openHAB and I’m using the latest openHAB version.
I have 2 shellys:

  • Shelly 2.5
  • Shelly 1
    I created for both a thing choosing the right model of shelly.
    By creating an Item from thing only the outputs of the shelly 2.5 are available to add.
    the generated Thing foe shelly1 looks like that
UID: shelly:shelly1:f4cfa2ecf7e8
label: Garagentor Shelly
thingTypeUID: shelly:shelly1
  eventsCoIoT: true
  password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
  updateInterval: 60
  eventsButton: false
  eventsPush: false
  eventsSwitch: false
  userId: admin
  - id: device#alarm
    channelTypeUID: shelly:alarmTrigger
    label: Alarm
    description: Alarmauslöser, z.B. schwaches WiFi Signal erkannt oder Überhitzung
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#wifiSignal
    channelTypeUID: system:signal-strength
    label: Signalstärke
    description: Zeigt die aktuelle Signalstärke an. Werte von 0 (Kein Signal) bis 4
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#deviceName
    channelTypeUID: shelly:deviceName
    label: Gerätename
    description: Symbolischer Name des Gerätes (Konfiguration über Shelly App)
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#uptime
    channelTypeUID: shelly:uptime
    label: Laufzeit
    description: Anzahl Sekunden seit dem das Gerät mit Strom versorgt wurde
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#updateAvailable
    channelTypeUID: shelly:updateAvailable
    label: Firmwareaktualisierung verfügbar
    description: "EIN: Es ist eine neuere Firmwareversion verfügbar (Update kann mit
      der Shelly App oder im Shelly Manager durchgeführt werden)"
    configuration: {}
  - id: device#heartBeat
    channelTypeUID: shelly:heartBeat
    label: Letzte Aktivität
    description: Zeitpunkt der letzten Aktivität. Hierbei kann es sich um einen
      erfolgreichen API-Aufruf, oder Sensor-Aktualisierung handeln. Dies
      schließt eine erfolgreiche Netzwerk-Kommunikation ein (WiFi + IP).
    configuration: {}

I tried to extend this like in the shelly 2.5.
But if I save this with extending with id output it will be reseted to this.

Hi Gottfried,
welcome to openhab and welcome to the community.
When you open the Thing‘s channel tab, press „Show advanced“ in the upper right corner.

I did.
I added the listing of available channels in the first post.
There is no output listed in the Thing and I’m not able to extend it.

Ok. I do not fully understand what you did to add a thing
Let‘s walk through the process of adding a shelly thing:

  • optional step: go to Add-On Store, select shelly binding, hit the gear icon and add username and password for your shelly devices
  • Go to settings - things
  • press + button
  • Select shelly binding and click scan
    Your shelly device should appear. It might be the case that the binding already has detected your device and it is available in the Thing Inbox.

Did you add your device like this?

Yes the thing is available and online.
If you click to channels I could see

  • Alarm
  • Wifi Signal
  • Device Name
  • Uptime
  • Firmware Update available
  • Heart Beat
    I don´t know if these are the right description, because I use the German UI
    There is no Output Channel listed and I’m not able to add one

The shelly 2.5 has both outputs in the channels List

ok. And you are sure that there is no such check box in the upper right corner as can be seen here:

If not, please delete the thing and readd the thing based on the steps above including the optional first step

I did it again.
But there is also no Channel

  • Button
  • Output
  • Input
    It worked for me by Shelly 2.5
    Im using openHAB 4.1.1
    Could it be a bug in the definition whitch channels are available?

I doubt that it is a bug as such a severe problem would have escalated already.
Could you post a screenshot of the thing channel tab?
Did you update your Shelly with latest firmware?

As a second approach, we could replace the release version of Shelly binding with the latest one of the developer

Sorry for the silly question.
But where is this folder
I found /usr/share/openhab/addons.
But there is nothing to replace.
there is a kar file and a redme file.

sorry, you need to uninstall the existing shelly binding from GUI.
Then copy the dev binding, you downloaded into the folder you already found

I downloaded the repository to the location using git clone.
Now I trie to connect to the openhab console with

ssh -p 8101 openhab@localhost

I didn’t have changed the password but I m not able to connect.
every time I type openhab I get this an then I’m back in the console

Password authentication
Password authentication
Password authentication
openhab@localhost's password:
Permission denied, please try again.
openhab@localhost's password:

The default password for the console if not changed is ‘habopen’.

Now I could access the openhab console.
If I call feature:install openhab-transport-coap the system is doing something without any error, but if i go back to the webinterface there is noch shelly binding installed.
If I install the shelly binding and add the shelly 1 I have the same than bevor.
No Output.
What did I wrong?
Is this Issue fixed in the beta of openhab?

It depends where this binding appears. If it appears in Addons store in the section „Other Add-Ons“ then you have properly installed the latest dev binding.
Otherwise please follow the steps I have provided.

It doesn’t appear anywhere.
I downloaded the whole repository to this subdirectory
So I tried the betta Version in the Community section.
Same Problem:-(
I don’t know why, but I did not get it fixed.
Is there a chance that it would be fixed soon in the stable version?

What is the version of the shelly binding?
Did you delete and re-add shelly things?

The version is 4.1.1
I deleted the shelly and recreated it.
I didn’t get the dev binding installed.
There was no binding in others.
Maybe I’m doing something wrong.
Whitch files should I place to the addon folder.
I copied the main directory (myfiles) with all subdirs into the addon folder.
I dowloaded this with git clone.

I copied the main directory to addons and not shelly.
Now Addons displays loading.
Hope it worked now.

Could you be more specific? I have no idea what you did.
All you needed to do was to download the dev binding (.jar file) from the website to the addons folder

I copied the myfiles directory with all subfolders to the addon dir an not the shelly folder.
Now I copied the shelly folder with subdirs to the addons folder and started installation.
But now if I open addon Store it always displays loading.
Also Items an not displayed any more.
It’s always loading.
Things and Rules are displayed.
I tried to restart the raspberry but nothing changed.
Maybe I found the reason.
I forgot uninstalling the shelly binding befor installing the dev version.
I’m a little bit desperated because I added already 165 Items and I don’t want to loose all the work I have done.