Shelly Binding asks for "OSGi v2.0.0"

  • Platform information:
    • Raspy 3B+
    • OH 3.4.2 OPenHabian
      Hi, i have some troubles witrh my new “Shelly Plus Plug S”
      They are not supported in last released Shelly Binding 3.4.2 so i tried to install the DEV build.
      it was working with the 3.5.0 Snapshot, but there were some other errors with Last_Event and Event_Counter at my other shelly devices.

So i decided to test DEV Snapshot 4.0.0. it appers in bundle:list as Installed, but when i want to bundle:start it says

“Unresolved requirement: Import-Package: org.osgi.service.component; version=”[1.5.0,2.0.0)"

I was the same with, but this one was easy to find in web and istalled over Addon folder.

But for OSGi i only found v1.5.0

Do you guys have some input for my issue. I thought about updating to OH4, but not at this time.

You cannot use openHAB 4 Addons with openHAB 3. Apart from the change to Java 17, there are many other changes not compatible with openHAB 3.

Perfect, thats an answer i can work with. I almost thought so.
So i will perform the Update to OH4 faster than expected, or use MQTT.

Thank you for your fast response :slight_smile:

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