Shelly Binding Generation 2 Plus Mini series

Hi all!
I’m trying to integrate my shellypmmini devices into openhab using the latest shelly binding addon (4.0.3) and have some issues with that.

  1. When I add the devices via auto discovery over the UI everything works fine.
  2. When I configure my PM Mini devices via .things file they stuck with “CONFIGURATION_PENDING” message.

It looks like openHAB tries to access them via the api1. The shelly logs say: “shelly_http_server.:263 No handler for ‘/settings’”
As I read in the shelly docs the devices only support access via rpc.

I wonder why this works by adding the devices via the UI, but not with the .things files (My goal is to set them up via .things file).
My .things config look like this:

Thing shelly:shellypmmini:Device_ID  "Shelly powermeter" @ "basement" [deviceIp="192.168.X.X"]

Anyone can point me in the right direction?


According to the shelly binding documentation I cannot find shellypmmini


but shellyminipm


Thanks for your reply. Indeed, the docs say shellyminipm, but thats incorrect. I had a look into the source which says shellypmmini:

if I define the thing with the type mentioned in the docs (shellyminipm) the log says:

No ThingHandlerFactory found for thing shelly:shellyminipm:XXXX (thing-type is shelly:shellyminipm). Deferring initialization.

If I define it with shellypmmini according to the src it the binding tries to initialize it as a generation 1 shelly with an API that is not supported by gen 2 shellys.

From my understanding thats an issue with the binding itself, as the mini series shelly are not recognized as generation 2 shellys when defined via a .things file.

My workaround currently is to declare them as shellyplus1pm which works perfectly fine (except the case that my shellys do not have the relay).