Shelly Binding - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing tried checking if channel sensors#humidity is linked although the handler was already disposed

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware:

Raspberry Pi 4 (4GB)

  • OS:


  • Java Runtime Environment:

openjdk version “1.8.0_272”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (Zulu (build 1.8.0_272-b17)
OpenJDK Client VM (Zulu (build 25.272-b17, mixed mode)

  • openHAB version:


  • Issue of the topic:
    Since yesterday, the Shelly Binding keeps pushing WARN messages in the Log, but just some time after a reboot. Directly after the reboot everthing looks just fine.

  • Please post configurations (if applicable):

    • Thing:
      Thing shelly:shellyht:58F9A9 "ShellyHT 58F9A9" @ "1G_Schlafzimmer" [ deviceIp="", userId="admin", password="XXXX", lowBattery=15 , eventsCoIoT=true ]

    • item:

      Switch      ShellyHT003_DeviceUpdateAvailable       "Device update available"             <settings>      (1G_Schlafzimmer)    {channel="shelly:shellyht:58F9A9:device#updateAvailable"}
      Number      ShellyHT003_temperature                 "Temperatur"                          <temperature>    (1G_Schlafzimmer)    {channel="shelly:shellyht:58F9A9:sensors#temperature"}
      Number      ShellyHT003_targetTemperature           "Soll Temperatur"                     <temperature>    (1G_Schlafzimmer)
      Number      ShellyHT003_humidity                    "Luftfeuchtigkeit"                    <humidity>       (1G_Schlafzimmer)    {channel="shelly:shellyht:58F9A9:sensors#humidity"}
      Number      ShellyHT003_charger                     "Ladegerät"                           <power>          (1G_Schlafzimmer)    {channel="shelly:shellyht:58F9A9:sensors#charger"}
      Number      ShellyHT003_wifisignal                  "wifiSignal"                          <wifi>           (1G_Schlafzimmer)    {channel="shelly:shellyht:58F9A9:device#wifiSignal"}
      DateTime    ShellyHT003_lastUpdate                  "Letztes Update"                      <time>           (1G_Schlafzimmer)    {channel="shelly:shellyht:58F9A9:sensors#lastUpdate"}
  • If logs where generated please post these here using code fences:

      2020-12-11 12:04:46.402 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel sensors#humidity is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.403 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel sensors#temperature is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.404 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel battery#batteryLevel is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.406 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel sensors#humidity is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.407 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel battery#lowBattery is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.409 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel battery#batteryLevel is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.409 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel device#heartBeat is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.411 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel battery#lowBattery is linked although the handler was already disposed.
      2020-12-11 12:04:46.414 [WARN ] [.core.thing.binding.BaseThingHandler] - Handler ShellyRelayHandler of thing shelly:shellyht:957271 tried checking if channel device#heartBeat is linked although the handler was already disposed.

This problem is usually temporary if the thing is re-initialized (e.g. you edit the thing config). Otherwise try upgrading to latest DEV build and join the discussion here so other could support.