Shelly Binding Thing websocket error

Hello, I wanted to connect a Shelly plus 1 PM with openHAB. It has an add-on with three DS18B20 temperature sensors.
The Shelly was found via Thing Scan. It found 3 channels for external temperature.

If I now want to link the temperature items, it is like a random generator which sensor I get. Sometimes sensor (100) sometimes sensor (101). But I never get the sensor that matches the item.

The Thing goes to “error communication” “websocket error” in the meantime and has to be switched on and off again.

The following messages are displayed in the Shelly diagnosis, which I have not yet been able to explain.

Shelly Firmware 1.2.0
OpenHAB 4.4.1 with Shelly Binding 4.4.1

helly_notification:116 ch type=WS_in info= has no DST
shelly_notification:116 ch type=WS_in info= has no DST
shelly_notification:163 Status change of temperature:101: {"id":101,"tC":17.44,"tF":63.39}
shelly_notification:116 ch type=WS_in info= has no DST
shelly_notification:116 ch type=WS_in info= has no DST

.22 is the OpenHAB Server

I will probably switch to MQTT until the problem is solved.

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Ok I have changed the topic on your recommendation. Thanks for the hint :wink:

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