Shelly Binding

do me a favor

  • stop OH
  • get latest build from this morning and copy to addons
  • clean OH cache
  • start OH

mine looks like:

but I saw your problem before the fix. Your screen shows “CoIoT columns”, therefore this can’t be the latest build, because I renamed them to “Protocol…” to neutralize btw. CoIoT (Gen1) and Rpc/WebSocket (Gen). Sometimes an older car sticks in the OH cache even overwritten in the addons folder.

Thank You Markus, that sorted it:

178 | Active |  80 |     | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Shelly Binding

Sorry Markus. I have just picked up another issue with the UNI:

The Temperature channel seems to have disappeared. I have tried deleting and rediscovering the THING, but still does not show up.

The status of the UNI is:

{"wifi_sta":{"connected":true,"ssid":"Mark Home","ip":"","rssi":-72},"cloud":{"enabled":false,"connected":false},"mqtt":{"connected":false},"time":"11:09","unixtime":1660813750,"serial":60793,"has_update":false,"mac":"98CDAC2C6BF2","cfg_changed_cnt":4,"actions_stats":{"skipped":0},"relays":[{"ison":false,"has_timer":false,"timer_started":0,"timer_duration":0,"timer_remaining":0,"source":"input"},{"ison":false,"has_timer":false,"timer_started":0,"timer_duration":0,"timer_remaining":0,"source":"input"}],"inputs":[{"input":0,"event":"","event_cnt":1},{"input":0,"event":"","event_cnt":0}],"adcs":[{"voltage":27.57}],"ext_sensors":{"temperature_unit":"C"},"ext_temperature":{"0":{"hwID":"28950875d0013c93","tC":24.50,"tF":76.10}},"ext_humidity":{},"update":{"status":"idle","has_update":false,"new_version":"20220209-095044/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d","old_version":"20220209-095044/v1.11.8-g8c7bb8d"},"ram_total":49960,"ram_free":35336,"fs_size":233681,"fs_free":146835,"uptime":418054}

This is showing the temperature sensor.

Any suggestions or more info I can send you?

I tried the same but somehow my openhab is not installing the binding anymore from the folder. I stopped OH several times and cleared the cache but no success. Any Idea what I cloud do? The other bindings I have in there (connectedcar, Worxlandroid, iCloud) are installed besides the Shelly binding. Before the last change it was working for me with the dev versions of the Shelly Binding as well. The dependencies look ok for me.

Any Idea where I could find logs for this issue? In the openhab log files there is no hint.

Is your download correct? I had similar issue when right click and down load. Better to use the download button:

Hi @Mark_VG ,

thanks for your feedback. I’m on Linux and I Download it using


@markus7017 Do you have any idea where I can find logs for the installation process?

Had the same problem when the jar hadn’t been owned by openhab. Compare with ls -la to the other jars in the directory.

try to append ?raw=true

I’m not aware of a change here
Maybe go to the JSON DB, delete the section for the Thing and try to add it again
otherwise send me the DEBUG log

openhab.log usually shows errors or go to the OH console, run bundle:list and check the binding status
for wget/binary download you need to add ?raw=true to the URL

I uploaded a rebuild, which also adds roller favorites for Gen2 (you could set them up in the Device UI and select one for UP/DOWN in the thing settings, see the use case doc how to use it)

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Hey there, I finally managed to receive CoIoT messages from my shelly devices so I decided to switch from the MQTT binding to the shelly binding. The roller shutters already work like a charm. However, a question to the shelly 1 devices with temperature addon:

I control the floor heating with shelly 1 and one temperature sensor. My current approach via MQTT is:

  1. User defines a target room temperature
  2. User defines a house global hysteresis value
  3. A rule calculates the upper and lower temperature for the shelly to get switched off/on to ultimate switch the floor heating off/on
  4. A rule sends the upper and lower temperature value via http to the shelly

It works without issues but for consistency reasons I would like to use the binding. From the documentation I could not find out whether I still can follow the above mentioned approach. Especially step 4: Is it possible via the binding to send the uppwer and lower temperature value to a shelly lik in the screenshot below?


Thats it! Stupid me. May Thanks!

Thanks Markus. I disabled my other three Shelly’s and deleted the UNI and readded. So the following log is of the UNI being discovered and re-added.
shelly.log (155.3 KB)

try the updated build

Hi Markus.

No luck:

270 | Active |  80 |     | openHAB Add-ons :: Bundles :: Shelly Binding


ok, got it, new build

Thank you. That fixed it. Didn’t even have to rediscover the THING.

Thank You.

Hi Markus,

I’m using the Gen2 build from 2-3 days ago with two Shelly Plus 2PM. Both with the first relay physically wired to a lamp. The second one is not. Both inputs are connected to the shelly dual wall switch.
In other words, two inputs of which only the first relay is real and the second one is planned to be used for house automation.
Unfortunately only the triggers for relay 1 are working (Long, short, double):

	Channel "shelly:shellyplus2pm-relay:[id]:relay1#button" triggered "LONG_PRESSED"

But they are not for relay 2:

	Channel "shelly:shellyplus2pm-relay:[id]:relay2#button" triggered "LONG_PRESSED"

Is this known? Am I doing something wrong? Is this maybe a bug?
Thank you very much for your support and all the work you put into this extremely helpful binding!

What is the Shelly Dual Wall Switch? I know that they are working on a wall Switch for the US market, but AFAIK it’s not on the market.

Is relay2 also in button/momentary mode?

Post a DEBUG log showing both relays and button press.

I’m referring to these: Wall switch for smart relays - Shelly Cloud
But ultimately it probably doesn’t matter because there is nothing special about them.

Button-Mode was the magic ingredient. Thank you very much! I had it set to Switch mode on relay2.
That’s why I would have not been able to provide any debug log as simply nothing was showing up until I changed that.
I feel like the documentation is not really clear about this and my suggestion would be to highlight the necessity.

In case somebody is stumbling across the issue here, that’s your solution:

  • go to your shell web-interface via IP
  • click on either “switch_0” or “switch_1” to go to the configuration of each of them
  • click on “channel settings”
  • click on “input output settings”
  • make sure that “Select input button/switch mode” is set to button.
  • depending on your previous configuration on the shelly itself: it might be necessary to change your web hooks.