Shelly Binding


You could make a channel available with uptime, if there might be demand. Those interested can link an Item.

Similarly, a channel for last received timestamp could have uses.

Hi Markus,
I can not find a download in your link to the V2.4.1 stable.
only source code zip and tar.gz.
Where can I get the jar file?
when I click on the V2.4.1 link nothing happens.

click on this link:
and then the download button

Lots of thanks for your work. I have downloaded shelly binding jar and openhab did recognize my only shelly 2.5, until I install a couple more. I don`t know how to help the developer ( give me hint ) if necessary. At the very moment I only have a question: How can I get Openhab recognize my shelly 2.5 as a roller shutter? I must say it is not deployed as roller shutter, but as two independent swichtes.

in the manual way, when adding the thing choose

Thank you very much. I forgot looking at all options at the bottom of the list. I will try as I installed on a two-way system or a roller-shutter.

you could select the operation mode (Relay/Riller) within the Shelly App, this will be recognized by the binding while discovering the device. If you change the mode after initial discovery you need to delete the thing and re-discover

support is always welcome, maybe by testing the snapshot branch so we get the next stable release soon

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Can anyone help me (a OH rookie) how to instal this?
Thank you :wink:

Can you tell us what OS you are using?

Anyway first of all download the jar file: (this points to the snapsnot branch)

Click the download button (DO NOT use any other method like wget or similar).

Once you have the jar you have to place it in the addons folder:
Usually in a linux installation should be /usr/share/openhab2/addons

That should do the trick if there are not problems.

If you have different OS or some peculiar installation the addons path may vary.

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Thank you,

i’am on a Synology,

it’s done,
i got it after the OH restart

open/close works well, except roller position (i try it to set by the OH but the roller doesn’t work with)

I have a question aboyut the use of shelly 2.5 in rollershutter mode.
Is there the possibility to print the % of the opening in the basic ui ?

Have you tried to add %s to your label in the sitemap? Like:
Edited added square brackets:
label=“My rolershutter [%s]”

I inserted this label=“Serranda Camera %s” but the result was only the label with %s at the end.
I need to print the % (number) of the opening in the Basic UI.
Can u explain me better to understand what I have to do ?

Sorry my bad
 Try to put the %s in square brackets.

label=“Serranda camera [%s]”

:+1: thanks Alessio. Where I can find the documentation about this ?

Here you go:

I linked the Shelly to OH, it works in Basic UI too, but if i would use the shutter by button or Shelly app no status update in OH.
Any idea?

It is able to change shutter position with a slider? (how?:wink:

I think we need some log at this point and some info about the items you created and how, linked to what channel

The Roller Control and Roller Position channels are different types and have opposite values for open and close.

Anyway to guess what’s happening we definetly need some log while you’re triggering the items.