Shelly Binding

Hi, I tried this, but still no totalKWH for meter 1 and 2, and totalKWH combined still shows 0.

I am using Shelly EM50 btw, not 3EM that is mentioned in your post

Iā€™m on 4.2.0.M2 and Iā€™m using Shelly Pro 3EM.
The channel accumulatedWTotal is always ā€œ0ā€.

Is this a known issue?

@markus7017 , I have the Shelly pro 3em and I only have two energy channels, I assume I should see three.
Any ideas? Iā€™ve always updated the device and added it twice with no luck.

Shelly i4 + Addon - missing channels: I use an addon to connect my temperature sensors DS18B20. They are all shown on the deviceā€™s web page as it should.
Iā€™ve deleted the corresponding thing in OH 4.1.1 and recreated it. But no new channels are available. Scanning is not working on my system, as all devices are on a separated subnet. How can I manually add/create the required channels?

Problem with range extender:

2024-04-14 20:47:02.266 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Stopping Thing
2024-04-14 20:47:02.266 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Shutting down
2024-04-14 20:47:02.269 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Shutting down
2024-04-14 20:47:05.381 [DEBUG] [shelly.internal.ShellyHandlerFactory] - Thing handler for uid shelly:shelly1pm:c45bbe6ac6f6 added, total things = 42
2024-04-14 20:47:07.390 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Using default userId admin from binding config
2024-04-14 20:47:07.391 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Using default password from bindingConfig (userId=admin)
2024-04-14 20:47:07.406 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Config: Device address=, HTTP user/password=admin/***, update interval=60
2024-04-14 20:47:07.407 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Start initializing for thing Forserad Ventilation, type shelly1pm, IP address, Gen2: true, CoIoT: true
2024-04-14 20:47:07.502 [DEBUG] [g.shelly.internal.api2.Shelly2ApiRpc] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Connect Rpc Socket (discovery = false)
2024-04-14 20:47:07.565 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Unexpected API result: 404/Not Found
2024-04-14 20:47:07.567 [DEBUG] [g.shelly.internal.api2.Shelly2ApiRpc] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: Closing Rpc API (socket is disconnected, discovery=false)
2024-04-14 20:47:07.567 [DEBUG] [g.shelly.internal.api2.Shelly2ApiRpc] - shelly1pm-c45bbe6ac6f6: WebSocket error: HttpConnectionOverHTTP@15a7739c::SocketChannelEndPoint@1b608f58{l=/,r=/,ISHUT,fill=-,flush=-,to=47/0}{io=0/0,kio=0,kro=1}->HttpConnectionOverHTTP@15a7739c(l:/ <-> r:/,closed=false)=>HttpChannelOverHTTP@1f5f18ec(exchange=HttpExchange@5a5d8563{req=WebSocketUpgradeRequest[GET /rpc HTTP/1.1]@74483627[TERMINATED/null] res=HttpResponse[null 0 null]@6bcd7db9[PENDING/null]})[send=HttpSenderOverHTTP@c329054(req=QUEUED,snd=COMPLETED,failure=null)[HttpGenerator@3a727a2c{s=START}],recv=HttpReceiverOverHTTP@f3e8a4b(rsp=IDLE,failure=null)[HttpParser{s=CLOSED,0 of -1}]]


Thing shelly:shelly1pm:c45bbe6ac6f6 "Forserad Ventilation" @ "Kƶk"  [deviceIp="", userId="", password=""]

I can open in browser.

Shelly 1PM does not support the range extender, but Plus 1PM. Which model are you using?

I am using a Shelly Plus 1 as range extender and want a Shelly 1 PM to go thru the extender.
Working fine in Shelly App and Browser but not in OpenHAB.

I am using OH 4.1.2 with the Shelly snapshot.
I have a Shelly Plus Uni, which is displayed in OH, but only as Shelly Uni. A connected temperature sensor is displayed in OH and can be used. However, a sensor at the analogue input (pin 3) is not found, although it is integrated under the Shelly IP and also works.
The documentation for the Shelly Uni mentions voltage under sensors. I assume this refers to the analogue input of the Shelly Plus Uni?
But as I said, this is not displayed.

Donā€™t know, what has changed, but all is working now.

Hello everyone,
Iā€™m using OH 4.2.0M2 along with the Shelly H&T sensor. Iā€™m experiencing an issue with the humidity readings. Instead of receiving values between 0 and 100%, Iā€™m only getting values between 0 and 1. Iā€™ve already removed and re-added the device multiple times, but the values remain the same (0 - 1).
Am I missing something? Has anyone else this problem?

I assume itā€™s got something to do with the metadata or the semantic settings. The values are read as e.g. 0.7 instead of 70%.

I compared the point to the one from the local weather (where the humidity is working), and I couldnā€™t find any differences.

Compare the unit and/or the metadata state description

Check here:

This was fixing it, thank you :slight_smile:

Does anyone else have a Shelly pro 3m? The one without a relay?
It should have three channels but I only see two in the things channelsā€¦

please provide the output of shelly-ip/rpc/Shelly.GetConfig

@markus7017 Can you describe how I can provide you this?

Open a webbrowser and open the site

Then post the output


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Just for information.
Iā€™m on openhab 4.1.0 and installed latest dev binding
I was able to add a Shelly1pm mini Gen3.
all channels are there.
Ah, I see:
there is no ā€˜lastpower1ā€™ (Schnitt letzte Minute) channel like the old Shelly 1 PM.
Is this not available?

I just noticed that the decimal place of the target temperature is cut off when itā€™s sent to the shelly TRV (heating thermostat) via the shelly binding.
I tried with the M2 version and the latest dev 4.2 binding.
The log says:

2024-04-27 16:06:58.809 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellytrv-8cf681e9a6fc: Set temperature to 22.5
2024-04-27 16:06:58.809 [TRACE] [shelly.internal.api.ShellyHttpClient] - shellytrv-8cf681e9a6fc: HTTP GET
2024-04-27 16:07:00.666 [TRACE] [shelly.internal.api.ShellyHttpClient] - shellytrv-8cf681e9a6fc: HTTP Response 200: {"pos":0.0,"target_t":{"enabled":true,"value":22.0,"value_op":8.0,"units":"C"},"tmp":{"value":21.2,"units":"C","is_valid":true},"schedule":false,"schedule_profile":1,"boost_minutes":0,"window_open":false}

The second line of the log shows that the decimal place of the 22.5 is cut off and only 22 remains.
Does anybody notice the same problem with the shelly TRV and is there something I can do to fix that?