If you connected the motion detector to the relay’s input you could just watch the input channel of the specific relay
- link an item to the relay’s input channel
- when Item xxx changed to ON
If you connected the motion detector to the relay’s input you could just watch the input channel of the specific relay
thanks for the fast answer … does this work when i have configured the shelly in detached mode?
do you mean an item with {channel=“shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx:relay1#input”} ?
The input channel is available independent from the device mode,
Maybe the discovery is trying a little bit to hard?
[discovery.ShellyDiscoveryParticipant] - Unsupported Shelly Device discovered: pioneer vsx-1131 (mode )
Openhab 2.5.0 on Rpi 3b+ with Shelly Binding.
Please use the 2.5 final version, which comes with OH 2.5 or the latest DEV build. 2.4 is no longer supported.
Just upgraded to OH 2.5 and loving the Shelly Binding, really great integration!
I’m experiencing an unexpected behaviour with the RGBW2… in white mode. When using MQTT and/or HTML the ON/OFF function and BRIGHTNESS functions are separate. I.e. you can change the brightness setting when the channel is OFF and nothing happens. When using the Shelly binding if the brightness is changed on a channel, it automatically turns ON as well. Just wondering if there is anyway to change that behaviour or if i need to switch back to MQTT for now?
(Use case… I have a motion sensor changing the brightness from Low to High and back again. I have a separate rule linked to the Astro binding so the lights are only on at night. During the day, the motion sensor is (was) still changing the brightness in the background, but as the lights were off, there was no change to the lights.)
This has been discussed here: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/issues/6608
a) The release implementation follows the standard OH paradigm
- brightess = 0 sets also device OFF
- brightness > 0 automatically turns on the device
b) The DEV build includes a new thing config option to disable the Auto-ON so you could set brightness without turning ON the device
Brightness and state could be controlled by linking 2 items(Switch for ON/OFF, Number for brightness-%) to the same brightness channel.
i have a lamp and a motion detector on a shelly 2.5. basically the control works, but i have a problem with the reaction time.
the motion detector is supposed to switch on the lamp immediately. but the lamp is only switched on up to 8s after the motion detector has been switched on.
am i the only one with this problem, or has anyone else noticed it?
Thing shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx "EgHaustuer" [deviceIp="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", userId="", password=""]
Switch Eg_Haustuer_Bewegungsmelder "Haustuer Bewegungsmelder" <motion> {channel="shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx:relay1#input"}
Switch Eg_Haustuer_Licht "Haustuere Licht" <switch> {channel="shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx:relay1#output"}
rule "Licht Haustuer ein"
Item Eg_Haustuer_Bewegungsmelder changed to ON
sendCommand(Eg_Haustuer_Licht, ON)
2019-12-28 22:01:33.225 [vent.ChannelTriggeredEvent] - shelly:shelly25-relay:690a17:relay1#button triggered LONG_PRESSED
2019-12-28 22:01:37.941 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Eg_Haustuer_Bewegungsmelder changed from OFF to ON
2019-12-28 22:01:37.992 [ome.event.ItemCommandEvent] - Item 'Eg_Haustuer_Licht' received command ON
2019-12-28 22:01:38.003 [nt.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Eg_Haustuer_Licht predicted to become ON
2019-12-28 22:01:38.032 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Eg_Haustuer_Licht changed from OFF to ON
openhab 2.5.0 stable on raspberry pi 3
try to
Maybe the push event url overwrites the button event url = when the push urls are set the device doesn’t provide the regular button urls
Problem behind: Shelly does not provide up-to-date documentation, so the exact behavior is not specified
You could also try to enable CoIoT for the device. Send me a PM with the TRACE log and I check what we can do.
i have implemented the advice. currently it takes 1.5-5 seconds from switching the motion detector to switching the relay for the light. in my opinion this time is still much too high.
Thing shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx "EgHaustuer" [deviceIp="1xx.xxx.xxx.xxx", userId="", password="", eventsButton=true, eventsPush=false, eventsCoIoT=true]
Switch Eg_Haustuer_Bewegungsmelder "Haustuer Bewegungsmelder" <motion> {channel="shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx:relay1#input"}
Switch Eg_Haustuer_Licht "Haustuere Licht" <switch> {channel="shelly:shelly25-relay:xxxxxx:relay1#output"}
rule "Licht Haustuer ein"
Item Eg_Haustuer_Bewegungsmelder changed to ON
if(Astro_Daylight_On.state != ON)
sendCommand(Eg_Haustuer_Licht, ON)
events.log (402 Bytes)
openhab.log (76.4 KB)
many thanks for your support
Together with @Kellermeister I’m working on optimizing the event handling
Details: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/issues/6706
I may change the binding to register push events only in momentary switch mode and otherwise register button events. However, this might remove flexibility, because you loose full control, which event types to register (e.g. having a momentary switch in detached mode). What do you think?
Update 12/30:
@Kellermeister finished testing, we are now down to
This is a really good result, also relevant for detached mode.
fyi: Together with @dilisi we identified a problem that sensor things (e.g. HT) stay in status UNKNOWN after a OH restart when a thing was added manually in PaperUI or defined in a .things file.
details: https://github.com/openhab/openhab-addons/issues/6707
Update 12/30:
@dilisi confirmed that the problem is solved with the DEV build, also verified with password protected devices
Updated DEV build: https://github.com/markus7017/myfiles/blob/master/org.openhab.binding.shelly-2.5.0-SNAPSHOT.jar?raw=true
Thanks Markus! I’m a bit novice to try the DEV build i think! I currently have 2 items defined for each channel on the RGBW2 (power channel - switch ON/OFF and Brightness channel - dimmer %), but the power channel still changes to ON when brightness channel is changed.
Looking forward to the thing config to disable the Auto-ON I will hold off reconfiguring back to MQTT for now! Cheers!
let me know if you need support on installing the DEV build
This is already implemenrted. Go to the thing configuration there is a Switch “Brightness Auto-ON”, set this to OFF. Make sure you deleted the thing and re-discovered (Item linkage will be restored)
Does anybody has a Shelly EM and could verify with the latest DEV build that all channels get their value including the proper units?
A user has the problem that the channels get the values, but some of them don’t show the unit. I check channel definition and code, which looks good and even more strange meter1 shows the V on voltage, but meter 2 doesn’t even it uses exactly the same channel definition.
![71625234-fddfda80-2be6-11ea-9e93-a3150daa0b7a|274x500 (upload://53ky5qUtuenzBHLHJvD8f0T65HB.png)
The trace shows the correct channel update from the binding, but then the item doesn’t receive the unit (I also checked the display pattern definition).
shellyem-b9f299: Channel meter1#voltage updated with 234.35 V (type class org.eclipse.smarthome.core.library.types.QuantityType).
ShellyemB9f299192168048_Meter1_Voltage changed from 233.03 to 234.35
It seems like the californium libs donot survive a clean-cache and reboot.
Does anybody can point me to a jar to be placed in the addon folder? (or is there a way to install it permanentely in the karaf console?)
Reboot yes, clean-cache no. A clean-cache removes all dependencies, which are no longer use. In our situation the Californium libs are install aside from the binding jar, the framework doesn’t detect this dependency and removes the openhab-transport-coap feature.
see Shelly Binding - #729 by markus7017 “Installung DEV/SNAPSHOT build” to get the URLs for GSon (OH 2.4 only) and Californium. Copying those to the addons folder make them resistent to a clean-cache.
This doesn’t apply for the release version, because there the framework knows that dependency.
great binding!
I just stumbled over the “Temperature Sensor Addon for Shelly 1/1PM” in the shelly shop.
Are these already supported?
In theory yes, but nobody had one so far. If you provide me the JSON from /settings and /status it should be easy to integrate.
Hi Markus,
i ordered the Addon yesterday for my Shelly1 probably i can provide you the JSON then.
BR Peter