Shelly EM3 Binding reset button only works for meter1

Hi everyone. I have a Shelly EM3 on openhab 4.0.3 that should be reset every two months to correspond with my bill. On the documentation it’s stated that each meter has a reset switch, but in my thing, I can only find one general switch that resets only meter1, leaving meter2 and meter3 without change. Is this a bug or may I be setting something wrong with the thing?

In the image you can see meter3 without any switch, and the device status with the “general” reset.

Thanks in advance.

Did you click “Show Advanced”?

Yep. It only shows last measure timestamp for each meter. Also, I’m reading on the thing that the total energy consumption shall be reset on reboot, but it seems not to be doing that when rebooting from the app. Meter2 and meter3 keeps their last values.

I don’t use this device so I can’t help any further. I just wanted to make sure the obvious stuff was covered.

Sure! and thanks for that. Those advices help me a lot a couple of years ago when I started with openHab.

did you find a solution?I have the exact problem with shelly3em.

I’m using MQTT. There is a topic to reset each meter. Ot has been working perfectly.

is there a topic to reset all at once?

I don’t think so, but I’m using the following rule to reset the three meters at once. I run it every billing period.

var msg;

var things = Java.type('org.openhab.core.model.script.actions.Things');'Energy period start');
msg = 'reset_totals';
things.getActions('mqtt', 'mqtt:broker:xxxxxxx').publishMQTT('shellies/shellyem3-yyyyyyy/emeter/0/command', msg, 'FALSE' === 'TRUE');
things.getActions('mqtt', 'mqtt:broker:xxxxxxx').publishMQTT('shellies/shellyem3-yyyyyyy/emeter/1/command', msg, 'FALSE' === 'TRUE');
things.getActions('mqtt', 'mqtt:broker:xxxxxxx').publishMQTT('shellies/shellyem3-yyyyyyy/emeter/2/command', msg, 'FALSE' === 'TRUE');