Shelly Manager crashes if there's a "Config Pending" device

Hello everybody,

my Shelly Manager says:

Exception:java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “String.isEmpty()” because “mode” is null
Check openhab.log for details.

Unfortunately there’s nothing in the openhab log nor in syslog. Any idea where i could search?

I’m running openHAB 4.2.1 on Ubuntu 22.04.1

Looks like this:

Try removing and reinstalling the binding

Did that already, tried also rebooting.

Ok. And your binding is active und running, as can be seen in openhab console?
Did you also try the latest snapshot binding from markus github page?

Seems active, yes

Snapshot binding i can try, will see how that works and come back

Now it’s working again, for no obvious reason :woman_shrugging:

Thanks so much for looking into that.

Face the same issue on openHAB 4.3.0.M1 on Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS
A re-installation of the Shelly binding did not solve the problem.

Opening the Shelly Manager gives the following error:
Exception:java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke “String.isEmpty()” because “mode” is null
Check openhab.log for details.

I noticed that too. For me it worked again after all Shelly-devices were connected to the wifi.
As long as devices were in status “pending” the manager didn’t start up.

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Interesting, same here. Had one Button in state CONFIG PENDING. After disabling this, the Shelly Manager works.

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@markus7017 : sorry for pulling you in, but maybe you didn’t notice this issue with the Shelly manager that it’s not working if devices are pending.
@anne_hh : Maybe you could remove the [resolved] in the title to avoid confusion?

Just came here because I observe the same problem. Thanks for everyone involved figuring out the reason already :slight_smile:

turn the binding into DEBUG log
I suppose you‘ll see an exception in the log
please provide this information

@markus7017 : You’re right. Here the log with the exception:

2024-09-08 07:07:42.307 [DEBUG] [nternal.manager.ShellyManagerServlet] - ShellyManagerServlet: HTTP/1.1 Request from{}
2024-09-08 07:07:42.308 [DEBUG] [al.manager.ShellyManagerOverviewPage] - Generating overview for 10 devices
2024-09-08 07:07:42.322 [DEBUG] [al.manager.ShellyManagerOverviewPage] - ShellyManager: Load firmware version list for device type SHTRV-01
2024-09-08 07:07:42.323 [DEBUG] [y.internal.manager.ShellyManagerPage] - ShellyManager: Load firmware list from
2024-09-08 07:07:42.435 [DEBUG] [nternal.manager.ShellyManagerServlet] - ShellyManagerServlet: Exception uri=/shelly/manager, parameters={}
	at org.openhab.binding.shelly.internal.manager.ShellyManagerPage.getFirmwareRepoEntry( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.shelly.internal.manager.ShellyManagerOverviewPage.fillFirmwareHtml( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.shelly.internal.manager.ShellyManagerOverviewPage.generateContent( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.shelly.internal.manager.ShellyManager.generateContent( ~[?:?]
	at org.openhab.binding.shelly.internal.manager.ShellyManagerServlet.service( ~[?:?]
2024-09-08 07:07:42.439 [DEBUG] [nternal.manager.ShellyManagerServlet] - ShellyManagerServlet: org.openhab.binding.shelly.internal.manager.ShellyManagerPage$ShellyMgrResponse@69146a20

Same here. State CONFIG PENDING on any Shelly thing kills Shelly Manager. (openHAB 4.2.1)

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Problem is still there, i just saw.

openHAB 4.3.2

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here too, 4.3.2, just installed the binding and system crashes, even without any thing defined

to be clear, I just installed the shelly binding, did not try the shelly manager till now, because of the crashes

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