Shelly Plus 2PM Gen2 devices with latest firmware >= 1.0.3 not working

Hi - I was using OpenHAB v3.4.4 with Shelly Binding and device Shelly Plus 2PM Gen2 successfully with firmware 0.14. After updated to the new firmware 1.0.3 Shelly Binding/OpenHAB reports device as Offline and error message: CONFIGURATION_ERROR with access denied, username or pw wrong. Both are correct, problem seems to be related to the new firmware.
Same type of devices with old firmware 0.14 are still fine.

Is this a known issue and is a workaround available or somebody working on a fix?

(unfortunately Shelly Gen2 devices do not yet support firmware downgrades)

Sorry, can’t really help you directly, but it might be the version OH3.4.4 (or the setup). I am using Shelly Plus2PM with firmware 1.0.3 (aecad39) from 2023-09-12 in OH 4.0.2 and it works as expected.

Thanks for this info - seems I have a task for the weekend (to execute the update of OpenHAB - planned anyway ;)) - will update the outcome here :slight_smile:

Just as a note: Mine are unsecured, i.e. like
Thing shelly:shellyplus2pm-roller:1 "Shelly 2PM" @ "Hall upstairs" [deviceIp="", userId="", password=""]
in the things file. But it also shows in the discovery, in case you don’t use file based setup.

ok, means you didn’t set any password at the Shelly devices?

(or just use the same pw for all Shelly devices and configured the user + pw at the Shelly binding?)

Not using any password indeed, at least for now.

Ah, ok, this is a valid workaround :wink: Disabling the password protection at the Shelly device makes it work again with OH3.4.4 and Shelly FW v1.0.3, too!

But means on the other hand, that the Shelly Binding needs a modification to be compatible with the newest Shelly FW v1.0.3 again if password protection is enabled.

I launch an issue, but many thanks for the idea for this workaround :slight_smile:

I am facing the same issue (OH 3.4.2) and wondering about the workaround:

  1. disable protection is not a real workaround for me
  2. downgrade to old firmware: even shelly manager is only proposing beta firmware and no old version :thinking:

If I set the binding to debug I see the following:

2023-10-14 17:21:27.573 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyplus2pm-d4d4da09c5b4: Using userId admin from bindingConfig
2023-10-14 17:21:27.578 [DEBUG] [y.internal.handler.ShellyBaseHandler] - shellyplus2pm-d4d4da09c5b4: Device config: IP address=xxx, HTTP user/password=admin/***, update interval=60

It seems the binding tries to authenticate via HTTP basic, but as its a Gen2 device, it has a different authentication…

Just to let everybody know: Issue fixed with OH4.0.3 :slight_smile: