Hi All,
I’m sure that there is comprehensive documentation somewhere but I’ll be honest, as a luddite who needs to read things on paper I am just swamped by the shear volume of documentation and the impossibility of printing it.
My problem is :
I have been using Openhab (latest version) on a Raspberry Pi for a year to monitor and control TAPO devices - via GUI configuration.
Separately, I have recently started playing with ESP32 and ESP01 devices to control relays through their VERY basic webservers. I wanted to add control of these devices to my Openhab but got absolutely swamped by the discussions of Mosquito and MQTT and various other systems. Having only learned the GUI configuration (and knowing a decent amount about Unix) I simply don’t understand the roles and structures of the scripting / files that Openhab auto generates, so most of the discussions go directly over my head. SO, I decided to research reading and commanding web pages from Openhab as the easiest way to control these extra devices. This didn’t provide me with the short cut I was hoping for - but I am still optimistic that generating a web-click on a web button as the action of a trigger might be the easiest way to drive ESP devices.
So here’s the question : Is there a concise tutorial for adding access to / sending commands to web pages from Openhab? If so I would be most grateful for a clue where to find it.
I have found much discussion of scraping data from websites, but nothing about web-access configuration in Openhab and /or sending ‘clicks’.
Thanks all,
P.S. I found Openhab really accessible compared to my previous experiments with Home Assistant etc, but I’m beginning to wonder if ESP is better suited to other IOT / Automation systems. If that’s the case, feel free to tell me.