Hello together,
I’ve migrated my latest OH3 to OH4.3.1-1. The upgrade went well and everything seems to work so far. There is only one thing which drives my crazy.
The schedule view (settings->schedule) is showing the upcoming events with one hour difference (UTC instead of Europe/Berlin). The timezone in the OS and Openhab are configured correctly (Europe/Berlin) and even through the schedules shows the wrong time, the rules are fired at the right time. All items are showing the correct time and the logs are also showing the right time. As far as I can tell it’s only a UI issue in the schedule view.
How does the schedule view determ the time shown? Is this a known issue in OH4? In OH3 it was shown correctly. Thank you.
Good point. I tried Edge, Firefox with Windows and Safari with IOS. All are showing the wrong time in the schedule view. With OH3 they showed the correct time. Do you know how the schedule view determes the times? Even though the view it wrong, the rules are fired at the correct time.
Is it possible that this is a bug?
I just created a new lcx container with debian 12, set the timezone and installed openhab in the latetest version.
I was gone through the openhab wizard and set the local region. All I did afterwards was creating a rule which shall run at midnight. However, the time shown in the schedule view is again 1 hour off.
As far as I know, MainUI uses the localization of the browser (including time zone) for a lot of things and I think eventually it will use that for everything. So if the browser things you are in GMT, it’s going to show GMT time.
If your rules are running at the correct time and your logs have the correct timestamp, the issue had to be related to the browser. I don’t recall seeing an issue for this on MainUI but I didn’t read every one in detail. You can come an issue but be sure to collect all the info called for.
I don’t have any set time based rules so my schedule is always empty.
I run OH with docker on Syno NAS, which shows the wrong time, even all rules were triggered at the right time (Berlin +1h).
Same OH version on a raspi 4, installed with openhabian, a test schedule is showing the right time . I have no time triggered rules.
It’s independent whether browser or ios app is used.