Siemens/Vanderbilt SPC Alarm?

Installing MQTT is simple enough, as far as I remember. The key part was getting the node-spc-mqtt.js script running (I still have to manually start it after a reboot).

For reference, I have openhab2, mosquitto, the SPC web service and node-spc-mqtt.js all running on the same machine, an Intel NUC running Ubuntu server.

Here are some of my settings:







Note that the value for gateway_id must be the same as the id in the Alarm system (you must log in as Engineer to access and set this, but it’s all documented in the web gateway software), ans should also be a bit more varied than 888888…

items/alarm.items (selection):

String  Alarm_MQTT              "Alarm [%s]"            <alarm>        {mqtt="<[mqtt:/SPC/G_SPC_AREA_MODE_1:state:JSONPATH(status)]"}
String  iFront_Door_MQTT        "Front Door Input [%s]"       <door>   {mqtt="<[mqtt:/SPC/G_SPC_ZONE_INPUT_1:state:JSONPATH(status)]"}
String  sFront_Door_MQTT        "Front Door Status [%s]"       <door>  {mqtt="<[mqtt:/SPC/G_SPC_ZONE_STATUS_1:state:JSONPATH(status)]"}


sitemap alarm   label="Alarm" {

        Text item=Alarm_MQTT                    icon="alarm"

        Frame label="Zones" {
                Text item=iFront_Door_MQTT      icon="door"
                Text item=iBeam_Hall_MQTT       icon="motion"
                Text item=iFront_Windows_MQTT   icon="window"
                Text item=iBack_Area_MQTT       icon="window"
                Text item=iUpstairs_MQTT        icon="window"
                Text item=iPanic_Buttons_MQTT   icon="contact"
                Text item=iGuest_WC_MQTT        icon="window"
        Frame label="Zone Status" {
                Text item=sFront_Door_MQTT       icon="door"
                Text item=sBeam_Hall_MQTT        icon="motion"
                Text item=sFront_Windows_MQTT    icon="window"
                Text item=sBack_Area_MQTT        icon="window"
                Text item=sUpstairs_MQTT         icon="window"
                Text item=sPanic_Buttons_MQTT    icon="window"
                Text item=sGuest_WC_MQTT         icon="window"

If you need any other info, let me know.