Simulating a Transition event from Owntracks

Hi, I’m having trouble getting mqttitude to work reliably, but I’m also fairly new to this so I would like to do some further debugging before I feel confident enough to even post the right questions.

I would like to be able to simulate the Owntracks transition events by simply publishing to my MQTT broker the same message that would come from Owntracks, but I need the exact message format to publish.

Can someone help me with the syntax? Currently I receive Owntracks transition events like this using mosquitto_sub -

Client myPC received PUBLISH (d0, q0, r0, m0, ‘owntracks/myName/myDevice/event’, … (165 bytes))


it should be:

owntracks/username/Device ID


Hi, thanks for the reply, but I can see from the subscriber messages what the general data is, I was hoping to find out the exact syntax or format for sending the publish message.

Also, I’m trying to simulate a transition event, not a location event, the data/payload is different, at least it appears so from the subscriber messages I receive; there is more than just lat/lon.

The simplest method would be to duplicate the transition message I put in the initial post, what I really need help with is the syntax I can use to put that data into a publish message using mosquitto_pub so that its received exactly the same, as if it was owntracks that sent it, and triggers the command in openhab.


when I try to simulate the position event I use mosquitto_pub and the format I wrote above.
The payload format is like described here.

Sorry, the topic is:
owntracks/username/Device ID/event

and the payload as described here look at the transition type.

Thanks, I got that to work just by copying the output of the mosquitto_sub and putting it in mosquitto_pub … -m ‘…copy of message…’

Not that hard, just had to get the format and syntax correct for the pub.