Sitemap button colour for IR Remote Interface

Is It possible to set the colour the following button. I am working on IR Remote using basic UI .
So looking set different colour for Type of remote & “On=Off” / Mute button

My Sitemap:

sitemap IRRemote {
Frame {
Text item=Date label=“Now Date & Time”
Frame {
Switch item=IRRMOTE_ON label="" icon="" mappings=[1=“TATASKY”, 2=“TV”, 3=“AC”]

	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=["KEYPOWER"="ON-OFF", KEYINPUT="INPUT", KEYMUTE="Mute"]  visibility=[IRRMOTE_ON==1]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEYCHUP="CH+", KEYUP="^", KEYVOLUP="VOL+"] visibility=[IRRMOTE_ON=="1"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon=""mappings=[KEYLEFT="<", KEYOK="OK", KEYRIGHT=">"] visibility=[IRRMOTE_ON=="1"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEYCHDOWN="CH-", KEYDOWN="v", KEYVOLDOWN="VOL-"]  visibility=[IRRMOTE_ON=="1"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEY1="1", KEY2="2", KEY3="3"]  visibility=[IRRMOTE_ON=="1"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEY4="4", KEY5="5", KEY7="6"]  visibility=[IRRMOTE_ON=="1",IRRMOTE_ON=="2"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEY7="7", KEY8="8", KEY9="9"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEYST="*", KEY0="0", KEYHA="#"]
	Frame {
	Switch item=TATASKYL label="" icon="" mappings=[KEYat="@", KEYPER="%", KEYD=":D"]


Item file :
String TATASKYL “TATASKYL” (IR) {autoupdate=“false”} // {expire=“1s,OFF”}

I don’t think we have control over the color of the button. The button mapped to the current state of the Item will be the one that is highlighted but I don’t think we can change the color.

For that kind of customizability you need to move to HABPanel.

Thanks Rich . I will move to HABPanel .
Actually I expected something like [ fillColor=ff00ff ] in basic UI Sitemap definition on frame / Element level.
Any suggestion for IR Remote design interface ?
I am going with OpenMQTTgateway by our friend 1technophile