Sitemap items not the same order as in .items file

Since last update to 2.4 on my Openhabian I have an ugly problem with my Sitemaps on basicUI and IO-App. Items referred in sitemap by a Group e.g. a Room are not in the same order like in .items file. They are completely random in each room. Items from different Things are mixed up completley. This is really bad. I hope I don’t have to put each item explicitly to my sitemap. Would be twice the same work. How can I get my Items bak in the same order like in .items. Upgrade, reboot, … didn’t help.

I have this hierarchy of room groups:

/* Etagen Gruppen */
Group gAlle
Group gRaeume

Group gEG 		(gAlle) 			["GroundFloor"]// Erdgeschoss
Group gOG 		(gAlle) 			["FirstFloor"]// Obergeschoss / 1. Etage
Group gDG		(gAlle) 			["Attic"]// Dachgeschoss / Spitzboden
Group gUG		(gAlle, gRaeume) 	["Basement"] // Untergeschoss / Keller
Group gAussen 	(gAlle) 			["Outdoor"]// Aussenbereich

/* Geräte Gruppen */
Group Schalter	(gAlle)
Group Taster	(gAlle)

/*Raumgruppen */
Group EG_WoZ 		"EG Wohnzimmer" 	<video> 	(gEG, gRaeume)	["LivingRoom"]
Group EG_Kue		"EG Küche" 			<kitchen> 	(gEG, gRaeume)  ["Kitchen"]			// !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Icon ändern
Group EG_EsZ 		"EG Esszimmer"		<kitchen>	(gEG, gRaeume)	["Room"] 		{ synonyms="Esszimmer" }
Group EG_Bue		"EG Büro"	 		<office> 	(gEG, gRaeume)	["Room"] 		{ synonyms="Büro, Konrad's Zimmer, Bibliothek" }
Group EG_GZ 		"EG Gästezimmer" 	<bedroom> 	(gEG, gRaeume)	["Room"]		{ synonyms="Gästezimmer, Natalies's Zimmer" }
Group EG_Bad	 	"EG Bad"	 		<bath> 		(gEG, gRaeume)	["Bathroom"]	{ synonyms="Bad unten, Gästebad, Gaste WC, WC"}
Group EG_Trp 		"EG Treppenhaus" 	<bedroom> 	(gEG, gRaeume)	["Corridor"]	{ synonyms="Flur unten"}

Group OG_Flur		"OG Flur" 			<corridor> 	(gOG, gRaeume)	["Corridor"]	{ synonyms="Flur oben"}

Group Gtn			"Aussenbeteuchtung"	<outdoorlight>	(gAussen)  // Icon!!!!!!
Group GtnBew		"Gartenbewässerung"	<faucet>		(gAussen)  // Icon!!!!!!
Group Gar			"Garage"	 		<fts_garage> 	(gAussen)  // Icon!!!!!!
Group WetterStation	"Wetterstation" 	<wind>			(gAussen)
Group Pool			"Pool"	 	    	<flow>	    	(gAussen)  // Icon!!!!!!

And .items Section e.g. of one Room:

Dimmer EG_EsZ_Lichtvoute_dim	 	"Lichtvoute dimDD [%.0f %%]"	(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{channel="homematic:HM-LC-DW-WM:ccu:OEQ0611795:1#LEVEL"}
Dimmer EG_EsZ_Lichtvoute_temp	 	"Lichtvoute temp [%.0f %%]"		(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{channel="homematic:HM-LC-DW-WM:ccu:OEQ0611795:2#LEVEL"}
Dimmer EG_EsZ_Estisch		 		"Esstischlampe [%d %%]"			(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{channel="homematic:HM-LC-Dim1T-FM:ccu:JEQ0214511:1#LEVEL"}
Dimmer EG_EsZ_Wandlampe		 		"Wandlampe [%d %%]"				(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{channel="homematic:HM-LC-Dim1T-FM:ccu:JEQ0153488:1#LEVEL"}
Dimmer EG_EsZ_Klolicht		 		"Klolicht [%d %%]"				(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{channel="homematic:HM-LC-Dim1L-CV:ccu:LEQ0568703:1#LEVEL"}

Switch EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_AN			"Kaminvoute AN"				(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{ channel="hue:0210:0017882470f5:1:color"}
Color  EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_COL		"Kaminvoute Farbe" 			(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{ channel="hue:0210:0017882470f5:1:color"}
Dimmer EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_DIM		"Kaminvoute DIM [%d %%]" 	(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{ channel="hue:0210:0017882470f5:1:color"}
Dimmer EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_Ctemp      "Kaminvoute Temp [%d %%]" 	(EG_EsZ, Lichter)	["Light"]	{ channel="hue:0210:0017882470f5:1:color_temperature"}
String EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_Alert		"Kaminvoute Alert 1 mal"	(EG_EsZ, Lichter)				{ channel="hue:0210:0017882470f5:1:alert"}
Switch EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_Loop		"Kaminvoute ColorLoop"		(EG_EsZ, Lichter) 				{ channel="hue:0210:0017882470f5:1:effect"}
Switch EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_Alert15	"Kaminvoute Alert 15 sec."	(EG_EsZ, Lichter) 
Switch EG_EsZ_KaminVoute_MyAlert	"Kaminvoute My Alert"		(EG_EsZ, Lichter) 

And Sitemap refering to Group of Rooms:

	Frame label="Bereiche"  icon="control_building_2_s_int_dg" {
		Group item=gRaeume 	label="Räume" 			icon="groundfloor"
		Group item=gAussen	label="Aussenbereich"	icon="garden" 
		Group item=FensterOffen
		Group item=FensterOffenUnten

And the Result in bsicUI:

Some months ago I got the same Order I created over yers in my .items files.
I want this order back. Please help me.

I believe there is nothing that defines the order of items in groups. So it is in principle random as you are experiencing now.
So if that is undesired for whatever reason, you will have to resort to putting them in the site map manually, I’m afraid.

So don’t understand why it worked for years in the order from the .items file.

Well, “undefined” order doesn’t mean random. Whatever sequence of events used to put together a list of member sitemap entries from a group is different in this version than in that version. Maybe it’ll change again one day.

If you want any control over display of your Items in a sitemap - colours, visibility, ordering - don’t use groups for that purpose. That advice has never changed.

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OK. Thanks.
You mean I had luck. Until now reading the items files produced a list in the given order?

Yep, by chance; it could just as well be reverse order of creation, or alphabetical, or …