Sitemap roller shutter icon not updating

among other items i have the below roller shutter setup which works without any problems in my Habpanel.
However in my sitemaps the icons for the groups like “H_Shutter_S” are not getting changed when I’m opening/closing the shutters, however a single item like “S_OF_Shutter_S” is working.
the item.state for the group “H_Shutter_S” and linked items however gets changed as it should.


sitemap Main label="Main Menu"
Frame label="Main" {
		Switch item=H_Lamps_S 		label="All Lighst in the House" icon=light
		Switch item=H_Shutter_S 	label="All Roller Shutters" 	icon=rollershutter
		Switch item=S_OF_Shutter_S 	label="Office Shutter" 			icon=rollershutter


 * House Shutter Groups
Group H_Shutter "All Shutters"
Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	H_Shutter_S	"All Shutters"

 * Room Groups

 Group R_OF_Shutter "All Office Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_OF)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_OF_Shutter_S		"Office Shutters"		(H_Shutter_S)
 Group R_BA_GF_Shutter "All Bathroom Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_BA_GF)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_BA_GF_Shutter_S	"Bathroom Shutters"		(H_Shutter_S)
 Group R_KI_Shutter "All Kitchen Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_KI)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_KI_Shutter_S		"Kitchen Shutters"		(H_Shutter_S)
 Group R_HW_Shutter "All Hallway Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_HW)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_HW_Shutter_S		"Hallway Shutters"		(H_Shutter_S)
 Group R_FL_Shutter "Fireside Lounge Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_FL)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_FL_Shutter_S		"Fireside Lounge Shutters"	(H_Shutter_S)

 Group R_LR_Shutter "All Livingroom Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_LR)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_LR_Shutter_S		"Livingroom Shutters"	(H_Shutter_S)
 Group R_KR_Shutter "All Kids Room Shutters" (H_Shutter, R_KR)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN)	R_KR_Shutter_S		"Kids room Shutters"	(H_Shutter_S)

 * Cluster Shutter
 Group C_LR_Shutter "Livingroom Shutter" <light> (R_LR_Shutter)
 Group:Rollershutter:OR(UP, DOWN) C_LR_Shutter_S "Livingroom Shutter" (R_LR_Shutter_S, R_LR_Shutter)
 * Single Shutter

 * Office
 Rollershutter S_OF_Shutter_S "Office Shutter" (R_OF_Shutter_S, R_OF_Shutter)
 * Bathroom GF  
 Rollershutter S_BA_GF_Shutter_S "Office Shutter" (R_BA_GF_Shutter_S, R_BA_GF_Shutter)
 * Kitchen 
 Rollershutter S_KI_Shutter_S "Kitchen Shutter" (R_KI_Shutter_S, R_KI_Shutter)
 * Entrance 
 Rollershutter S_HW_Shutter_S "Entrance Shutter" (R_HW_Shutter_S, R_HW_Shutter)
 * Fireside Lounge 
 Rollershutter S_FL_Shutter_S "Fireside Lounge Shutter" (R_FL_Shutter_S, R_FL_Shutter)
 * Living Room
 Rollershutter S_LR_Shutter1_S "Livingroom Shutter1" (C_LR_Shutter_S, C_LR_Shutter)
 Rollershutter S_LR_Shutter2_S "Livingroom Shutter2" (C_LR_Shutter_S, C_LR_Shutter)
 * Kids Room 
 Rollershutter S_KR_Shutter_S "Julians Room Shutter" (R_KR_Shutter_S, R_KR_Shutter)


I am also interested in a solution for this.
I never got my Rollershutter Group to work (display) correctly :slight_smile:

I tried in the past:

Group:Rollershutter:OR(0,100)	Shutters	"No. of Open Shutters [(%d)]"	(All)

Now I simply use:

Group	Shutters	(All)

Since the state of my shutter items is ranging from decimal 0 (fully open) to 100 (fully closed)

openhab> items list |grep Shu*
P11_J1 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=P11_J1, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[GF_P11, Shutters, gKNX])
P11_J2 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=P11_J2, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[GF_P11, Shutters, gKNX])
P11_J3 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=P11_J3, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[GF_P11, Shutters, gKNX])
P06_J4 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=P06_J4, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[GF_P06, Shutters, gKNX])
P07_J5 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=P07_J5, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[GF_P07, Shutters, gKNX])
E06_J6 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=E06_J6, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[FF_E06, Shutters, gKNX])
E03_J7 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=E03_J7, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[FF_E03, Shutters, gKNX])
E09_J8 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=100, Label=E09_J7, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[FF_E09, Shutters, gKNX])
E09_J9 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=100, Label=E09_J9, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[FF_E09, Shutters, gKNX])
E09_J10 (Type=RollershutterItem, State=0, Label=E09_J10, Category=rollershutter, Groups=[FF_E09, Shutters, gKNX])
Shutters (Type=GroupItem, Members=10, State=0, Label=null, Category=null, Groups=[All])

In my sitemap, I use:

		Text label="Master Shutters Control" icon="blinds" {
			Switch item=Shutters mappings=[100="All Closed"]
			Switch item=Shutters mappings=[0="All Open"]

And this works fine to control them.
The icon for the Group in my BasicUI looks like this:

Hi Dim,

but how to display the current status of all shutters without the need to go into any other frame/sub menu?

you pointed me in the right direction and its now working for me.

Switch item=H_Shutter_S 	label="All Roller Shutters" 	icon=rollershutter mappings=[100="All Closed", 0="All Open"]

1 Like

Hi Dim,
I am quite new with openhab and still trying to understand how to defined groups items etc… I have three rollershutters and trying to do exactly what you have - a master control to close all or open all of them.
Can you please help me understand how to do it?
I tried to create a group in items:
Group ZaluzieGroupa
Rollershutter ObyvackaItem “Obyvacka” (ZaluzieGroupa) {channel=“zwave:device:6fea37a2:node5:blinds_control”}
Rollershutter PracovnaItem “Pracovna” (ZaluzieGroupa) {channel=“zwave:device:6fea37a2:node2:blinds_control”}
Rollershutter SpalnaItem “Spalna” (ZaluzieGroupa) {channel=“zwave:device:6fea37a2:node3:blinds_control”}

Now I tried to create a sitemap with following:
Text label=“Master Shutters Control” icon=“blinds” {
Switch item=ZaluzieGroupa mappings=[100=“All Closed”]
Switch item=ZaluzieGroupa mappings=[0=“All Open”]

but it does not seem to work… Thanks for help


do the individual items work?

Your config looks ok. It’s the same as mine:

in sitemap:

Text label="Master Shutters Control" icon="blinds" {
			Switch item=gShutters mappings=[100="All Closed"]
			Switch item=gShutters mappings=[0="All Open"]

in items:

Group	gShutters
Rollershutter	P11_J1	"P11_J1"	<rollershutter>	(gShutters)	{knx="..."}
Rollershutter	P11_J2	"P11_J2"	<rollershutter>	(gShutters)	{knx="..."}

Check the state of your items and of the Group by using the console:

items list |grep ZaluzieGroupa

post the result here (using code fences to be easier to read)

Hi Dim,
thanks for your reply. Here are to complete outputs:

[19:26:03] openhabian@openHABianPi:/etc/openhab2/items$ cat zaluzie.items
Group ZaluzieGroupa
Rollershutter ObyvackaItem "Obyvacka" (ZaluzieGroupa) {channel="zwave:device:6fea37a2:node5:blinds_control"}
Rollershutter PracovnaItem "Pracovna" (ZaluzieGroupa) {channel="zwave:device:6fea37a2:node2:blinds_control"}
Rollershutter SpalnaItem "Spalna" (ZaluzieGroupa) {channel="zwave:device:6fea37a2:node3:blinds_control"}

for the sitemap:

[19:24:34] openhabian@openHABianPi:/etc/openhab2/items$ cat ../sitemaps/zaluziesitemap.sitemap
Text label="Master Shutters Control" icon="blinds" {
        Switch item=ZaluzieGroupa mappings=[100="All Closed"]
        Switch item=ZaluzieGroupa mappings=[0="All Open"]

and the output from the console:

openhab> items list |grep ZaluzieGroupa
ObyvackaItem (Type=RollershutterItem, State=NULL, Label=Obyvacka, Category=null, Groups=[ZaluzieGroupa])
ZaluzieGroupa (Type=GroupItem, Members=3, State=NULL, Label=null, Category=null)
PracovnaItem (Type=RollershutterItem, State=NULL, Label=Pracovna, Category=null, Groups=[ZaluzieGroupa])
SpalnaItem (Type=RollershutterItem, State=NULL, Label=Spalna, Category=null, Groups=[ZaluzieGroupa])

When I try to access sitemap from basic UI I see available sitemap “Zaluziesitemap” but inside it is empty:


the section that i posted is an example part of a complete sitemap file.

The proper/correct full syntax would be:

sitemap zaluziesitemap label="zaluziesitemap" {
	Text label="Master Shutters Control" icon="blinds" {
		Switch item=ZaluzieGroupa mappings=[100="All Closed"]
		Switch item=ZaluzieGroupa mappings=[0="All Open"]

I don’t like the state of your items… they are reported as NULL…

ZaluzieGroupa (Type=GroupItem, Members=3, State=NULL, Label=null, Category=null)

ObyvackaItem (Type=RollershutterItem, State=NULL, Label=Obyvacka, Category=null, Groups=[ZaluzieGroupa])
PracovnaItem (Type=RollershutterItem, State=NULL, Label=Pracovna, Category=null, Groups=[ZaluzieGroupa])
SpalnaItem (Type=RollershutterItem, State=NULL, Label=Spalna, Category=null, Groups=[ZaluzieGroupa])

Do they work properly alone? Can you control the Z-Wave devices?

Try to add them as single entries in your sitemap and verify that the items are correctly configured and linked to the proper Z-Wave Thing Channels.

It works now :slight_smile: Thanks a lot.
I can control zwave devices but it looks like it does not report its states automatically. When I control my blinds manually by a wall switch, it does not report back the status to the controller. For example, I open rollers but the state still remains “closed”…
So when I try to open them again using openhab, it will find out that those are opened already and state is updated…
It worked before when I had openhab on NAS, now I have it on raspberry.
Do you have any clue how to force it to have the correct state all the time?
Because this way you do not know via openhab if the rollers are opened or not remotely.


one more thing I noticed…
when I use rest interface of openhab and send command “UP” it updates to state of items to “0”…
However, when I use mappings provided in the file above it is reversed. 0 is for closed and 100 is for open.