Slow response on Hue bulbs vs Hue App

Openhabian 4.1.1 on Raspberry PI4 4GB
Dual zigbee / zwave USB Stick Nortek
Hue bridge with hue binding

This is unrelated to the other issue I’m dealing with with zigbee in another thread …

I use the Hue binding and I am seeing a long delay between when OpenHab issues the command and the light turning on. If I use the Hue app, the bulb responds instantly.

Is there something known that may be causing this? What would be a good way to find the underlying reason?

Put the binding into trace level logging and see if you can pinpoint where the delay occurs. Potential places where the delay might be:

  1. command to the Item
  2. command to the Item to binding acting on the command
  3. internal to the binding
  4. binding out to the Hue hub
  5. Hue hub to the light

What to look at and how to address it will depend on where the delay is occuring.

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Are you using API v1 or v2?

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one idea: Do you have debounce enabled in the settings of your device? Try to enter “0” there.

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Not sure … its the same one I’ve been using for years … so V1? How can I find out?

Please show us the ThingUid of your bridge and/or lamp things.

Note that API v1 is the legacy API; it is polling based, so much slower than v2 which is event based.

However in either case, please follow @rlkoshak 's advice to submit TRACE logs from OH, plus the event log, so we can figure out the timing…

Yes obvious suggestion, here is the log. It varies from 5 seconds to 30 seconds … this one was relatively fast.

2024-02-15 09:25:32.692 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'LaundryRoom_Motion' changed from OFF to ON
2024-02-15 09:25:32.722 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'LaundryRoom_Light' received command 100
2024-02-15 09:25:32.726 [INFO ] [penhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'LaundryRoom_Light' predicted to become 100
2024-02-15 09:25:32.742 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'LaundryRoom_Light' changed from 0 to 100
==> /var/log/openhab/openhab.log <==
2024-02-15 09:25:35.908 [DEBUG] [ng.hue.internal.connection.HueBridge] - Async sending put to address: delay: 120 body: {"on":true,"bri":254,"transitiontime":4}
2024-02-15 09:25:37.508 [DEBUG] [hue.internal.handler.HueLightHandler] - onLightStateChanged Light Laundry Light: on true bri 254 hue 0 sat 0 temp 0 mode null XY null

The Thing ID for the Hue is : hue:bridge:001788475111
Light 12 is the Laundry Room light … taking ~5 seconds in this log.

Thanks, not sure what that is … Im using Jython code if that matters.

2024-02-15 09:46:32.857 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'HallBath_Motion' changed from OFF to ON
2024-02-15 09:46:32.876 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemCommandEvent      ] - Item 'HallBath_Light' received command 100
2024-02-15 09:46:32.892 [INFO ] [penhab.event.ItemStatePredictedEvent] - Item 'HallBath_Light' predicted to become 100
2024-02-15 09:46:32.898 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'HallBath_Light' changed from 0 to 100
2024-02-15 09:47:32.743 [DEBUG] [ng.hue.internal.connection.HueBridge] - Async sending put to address: delay: 120 body: {"on":true,"bri":254,"transitiontime":4}
2024-02-15 09:47:48.094 [INFO ] [openhab.event.ItemStateChangedEvent ] - Item 'HallBath_Motion' changed from ON to OFF
2024-02-15 09:48:06.143 [DEBUG] [hue.internal.handler.HueLightHandler] - onLightStateChanged Light Light Hall Bath: on true bri 254 hue 0 sat 0 temp 0 mode null XY null

In this example it took 90 seconds :frowning: obviously unusable.

EDIT: also strange that there is such a long delay between the http request and the hue response “on true”

Well the good news is that I understand better how the HUE binding works. Would like to figure out why there is such a huge delay, but, I am sending http requests (using curl) directly to the Hue Bridge and the lights change instantly. So I can easily write some python code and not bother with the Hue Binding. Not ideal, but will be something to do while I am away for the next 3 months.

Obviously a real solution would be preferred :slight_smile:

Change from API v1 to API v2

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Ok, yes if I’m on a polled version that might explain things.

I only see the one binding in the marketplace, how do I change to V2?

It is the same binding. See migration guide…

Ah ok will do. The slowness was the same behavior with OH3 … sorry I didn’t understand this had been fixed in OH4.

Thank you!