I did some simple power comsumption measurements on osram RGBW 10 W (https://www.billigvvs.dk/El-artikler-Lyskilder-paerer-Osram-LIGHTIFY--Osram-LIGHTIFY-Standard-LED-10W-60W-E27-RGBW-Mat-1248214.html?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpMLOBRC9ARIsAPiGeZBuHGsedWjbhIWHU3ihutqKwT2jZ5NydMKG70pAFwf9S9oJZKzyd5IaAvcDEALw_wcB)
and yeeligth https://us.gearbest.com/smart-lighting/pp_361555.html?vip=2726036&gclid=Cj0KCQjwpMLOBRC9ARIsAPiGeZBCYajD-9a5yXDkX7eN4RmBgSqCWa_3YblC2qB-4d2DZ9zu6pMrbcEaAsYdEALw_wcB
the measurements were only one data point and done with a xiaomi zigbee plug.
it turns out that the Yeelight uses about 9,11 watts when on, and 1,19 watts when on standby, the speficiations are 600 lm wereas the osram uses 5,85 when on for 800 lm(again arrording to specs.) and 0,7 watts on standby.
In denmark the price for running a runing a 1 watt instrument 24-7 costs about 3 euro.