Hi all,
Lights arrived, got them set up on my wifi via their Lumary app, all good.
I went onto my router and found the mac address, fixed it’s IP to where I wanted it, turned it off and left it off for a while for changes to settle.
Then added the WIFI Lighting Binding, all good.
This didn’t find anything automatically so i added the item manually, which after a little fiddling of the settings on the binding, came online fine.
So, went into my .items file and added the 4 options
Switch MyWiFiLight_power "LED Power" <light> {channel="wifiled:wifiled:16d5d736:power"}
Dimmer MyWiFiLight_white "LED White" <light> {channel="wifiled:wifiled:16d5d736:white"}
Dimmer MyWiFiLight_white2 "LED White2" <light> {channel="wifiled:wifiled:16d5d736:white2"}
Color MyWiFiLight_color "LED Color" <light> {channel="wifiled:wifiled:16d5d736:color"}
Saved and restarted OH just for fun…but these items don’t link, or appear in the options to link…(issue 1)
Thought I]'d go in the other way and ask PaperUI to create the items, set them up manually and linked, which worked - don’t know why this way worked but the other didn’t (issue 2)
Then, set up the items in my test.sitemap for a bit of a test before creating rules etc:
Frame label="LED Strip"
Colorpicker item=MyWiFiLight_color icon="colorwheel"
Switch item=MyWiFiLight_power icon="light"
Slider item=MyWiFiLight_white icon="light"
Slider item=MyWiFiLight_white2 icon="light"
The frame appears on basicUI as expected but controls do absolutely nothing to the light. I’m pretty sure it isn’t working at all as the ‘power’ option is off on the sitemap while the light is on. (issue 3)
Anyone have any thoughts on any of the 3 issues?