Smart Meter Binding - Which Hardware is recommended to work nearly out of the box

Hello Friends,

Somehow I‘ve checking the capabilities for reading my smartmeter for a longer time now.
It seems that the Smartmeter plugin allows usb connection as well as rfc2217.

I want to connect 2 smart meters and also use wifi for the connection (so I guess i need a rfc2217 adapter?)

Is there a recommended hardware setup, wich rfc2217 adapter and which if heads to buy for this project without requiring to many flashing and deep inside knowledge


Homewizard adapter works if you need to go wireless, binding also available.


thanks a lot for your reply unfortunately i just have a IR interface to read the data out of it.
I just bought a Tasmota Based Device called “WattWächter” and this is quite nice to read at least one of the SmartMeters.
