SmartThings Button

Yeah wallmote quad is zwave but all my bulbs are zigbee. Worked fine with smartthings but OH doesn’t seem to give me the option to control the bulbs with it.

Just came across this thread when fighting with my Button. The way I solved it, in case it should anybody. The only thing that worked for me was to use the “last update” channel. The button seems not to convey any other payload (and the temperature sensor is >10K off, so I dropped even trying to use it).

“Thing” is a “CLIP Generic Flag Sensor” (via Hue Binding from deCONZ/ConBee stick). I had to look a bit to get the right ID to use (I looked into the zll.db that deconz uses with an SQLite browser, in the table sensors I find the sid for the Button, 4 in my case).

Then I create an item:
DateTime ButtonLastUpdated “Last update” {channel=“hue:0850:button:last_updated”}

Simple rule to switch my office light:
rule “Button”
Item ButtonLastUpdated received update
logInfo(“rules”, “Button pressed”)
if ( OfficeLamp.getState == OFF) {
} else {
