Smartthings hub with OH3

I’m new to open hub and have it running on a raspberry pi and installed smartthings add-on.

Win I open the smartthings I get. This thing has no channels. Either the thing type doesn’t define channels, or they may be detected and appear later. But itis ONLINE. So what do I need do to do to fix it?

Bridge smartthings:smartthings:Home    [ smartthingsIp="", smartthingsPort=39500 ] {
    Thing switchLevel              KitchenLights           [ smartthingsName="Kitchen lights" ]
    Thing contactSensor            MainGarageDoor          [ smartthingsName="Garage Door Open Sensor" ]
    Thing temperatureMeasurement   MainGarageTemp          [ smartthingsName="Garage Door Open Sensor" ]
    Thing battery                  MainGarageBattery       [ smartthingsName="Garage Door Open Sensor" ]
    Thing switch                   OfficeLight             [ smartthingsName="Office Light", smartthingsTimeout=7 ]
    Thing valve                    SimulatedValve          [ smartthingsName="Simulated Valve" ]

Ware do I put the at?

added smartthings tag to your post so the right folks get pinged on this one
oh… and welcome to the forum Bob!