[solax] binding

Somehow I missed, that you already uploaded the updated version. Thanks :+1:

I will try it today :slight_smile:

I replaced the .jar file and the mapping looks much better.
Since there is no sun at my place, now, I can not validate all values.

I already found two wrong conversations:

  • The inverter frequency shows 5000 Hz. 50 Hz would be correct → must be devided by 100
  • total energy shows 15692 kWh. My app shows 1.58 MWh → must be devided by 10


  • inverter-output-power: correct
  • inverter-current: must be devided by 10
  • inverter-voltage: must be devided by 10
  • inverter-frequency: must be devided by 100
  • pv1-voltage: must be devided by 10
  • pv2- voltage: always 0 → correct
  • pv1-current: must be devided by 10
  • pv2-current: always 0 → correct
  • pv1-power: correct
  • pv2-power: always 0 → correct
  • pv-total-power: correct
  • pv-total-current: must be devided by 10
  • power-usage: I can’t test it
  • total-energy: must be devided by 10
  • today-energy: I don’t have enough sun to validate it, but I expect, that it must be devided by 10
  • last-update-time: always “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

Hi Norbert,
total overlook by me. I didn’t even pay attention to the parser values. Now I looked again in the python and changed all as expected.

  • last-update-time: always “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”

Not sure that I get this right… Does that mean that the date / time is not retrieved and you always receive this string?

New and corrected version can be downloaded from the same place: Release X1 Mini support · theater/openhab-addons · GitHub


Yes. Here a screen-shot from the tested version (not the very last one)

Very strange. Works for me :slight_smile: Can you provide me some logs? (maybe check also the regular openhab.log if there is nothing in the solax.log

Another “oversight” you devide the raw integer values by 10 (also integer), so we lose the decimal place.

E.g. raw value of the PV current is 4, devided by 10 it will get 0. Expected value would be 0.4

I’ve just uploaded a (hopefully) final version with some fixes related to a wrong rounding of a certain values which get divisioned by 10.
Would be great if you could somehow catch which of the raw values is the “feed in” power, i.e. the power that comes from the electricity provider. In my opinion that’s a very important counter for any automations you may want to implement. (probably you want to reduce low priority consumers if feed in power is too high for example)

In the logs I see the correct values… also in the overview the value is correct:

I’m pretty sure I will find the issue this evening, but for now I don’t have any time left to investigate more.

If the thing channel seems to be OK, probably the mapping you use in your item is wrong (kind of…) :slight_smile:

When I manually create the item “last update item”, it is working.
Just the “Add Equipment to model” method is not working.

I monitored all values the last days and they are all reported correctly.
From my side you can merge the code.

Thanks for your super fast work :+1:

I can not answer this question, since I don’t have a smart meter installed. I just have a 1.5kW stand alone solar plant.

If you have the time and you’re willing to do that… could be worth checking it on the cloud site if you have access to it (if not, probably you can ask your installer for one). What you need to do is to ensure relatively constant consumption from the feed in power (maybe at night when there is no production from PVs) and cross-check it with the unassigned values from the array. (could be tricky because the negative values appear as very big integers because the most major bit is set to 1, which means that if you pull from the network, probably the value should be something above the value of 32768.
That could be a hint I guess and I hope I’m right about that :slight_smile:

@nobbi123 Yesterday the cloud connector support was merged and due to the big refactoring I have some doubts about the X1 mini support if I merged everything right.
I wonder if you could have a look and retest the binding on your system when you have the time?
Here is the latest release: Release X1 mini support on top of the merged cloud connector support · theater/openhab-addons · GitHub
If you don’t find any issues, I will create a PR for your inverter and hopefully once it’s merged the full backlog will be cleared. :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance,

Of course, I will check it next week :slight_smile:

Sorry for the long delay.

On Monday i changed to your latest version and everything works like before :+1:

Thank you very much for the test!
I’ll open the PR for review. Hopefully it gets reviewed soon and we can merge it. :slight_smile:

I saw, the PR was merged :metal:
Again, thanks for your work

Do I understand correctly, that it will be released with OpenHAB 4.2?

I just saw that the three new PRs are included in 4.2 first milestone build so yes - you can have it with 4.2 official release (or any of the milestones).


Hi all.
I’m getting my new X3 Hybrid G4 installed tomorrow. I’m using wired connection, so the installer is installing a lan module (which I hope is compatible, it should work the same as a wifi module, right?). Is there anything speciel I need to check with regards to the version when the installation is made? It sounded to me like the electrician has a bunch of Solax lan modules lying around, is there any risk that the module installed here has an old version that is not fully compatible?

Hi Daniel,
I’m afraid that it has never been tested with lan module. We can only hope they follow the same protocol (would be nonsense if not). I would recommend to use latest possible FW. If lan modules follow the wifi modules version naming convention, it should be 3.x


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Thanks! I’ll report back tomorrow and then hopefully you can add the lan module as supported :wink:

btw, I suspect the version numbering on the lan modules doesn’t match the one on the wifi-only modules, just noticed the compatibility list here. I’ll report back on that as well :laughing:

Looking forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile:

When you give it a try, especially if it doesn’t work, please raise the log levels to trace for the binding and provide me the output.

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