[SOLVED] After adding a new item the persistence table in mysql ist not created any more

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware:raspberry pi 4
    • openHAB version: 4.2.1

all values of old items are persisted and the values are available if i click to analyse.
I added a few new items from my inverter.
The values are shown in the UI.
But there is no new table created where the values are stored so I have no history.
I’m using marianDB as persistence layer.
How could I fix it.

Are you using the default persistence config or have you edited it?

If it’s showing values that implies that you also have some other persistence add-on installed and that one is configured as the default, rrd4j perhaps. Change the default to mysql and confirm that you still get charts for this missing Item.

Sorry for my unclear description.
I don´t know how long this issue is available.
Items i added to my openhab for longer time are inserted in the DB correct.
A few days a got a solar inverter and i tried to add it to my openhab installation.
It works fine and the values are shown in the UI, but there are no new tables created for the items and so i have no history for this items.
I see in the log that there will be tried to insert the changing values into the tables, but they didn’t exist.

Did you already add them into the list of items-to-be-persisted (i.e. edit $OPENHAB/persistence/jdbc.persist or use Main UI → Administration → Settings → Persistence → persistence Service → add the items to the list)

I added the 4 tables with a create table statement.
After this the values where inserted correct and I got a chart by clicking analyse.
After this I added a few new items to my inverter an the new tables where created as bevor.
I don’t know what the problem was.
Now it works and new tables are created by creating a new item