[SOLVED] Alarm contacts, one with delay (to have time to switch off the alarm)

Strange issue today, after a reboot from the Rasbperry (and I have not changed anything in the Alarming-part for 2 weeks), the LED is contentious (endless) blinking after first alarm start.

(Definition: AlarmArmedStat 0= alarm off; 1= alarm delay start, 2= alarm activ)

After the delayed time the AlarmArmedState is changing from 1 to 2, correct.
now the if-part (AlarmArmedState.state != 1) is executed (I see in loginfo) and this should cancel the time (TimerH,cancel). But this is not done, no “break” out from the loop => blinking never ends.
But this if-part (and also the sendCommand on/off for the LED) is executing every second …
So in log I see:

zzzzz // And this SHOULD CANCEL the timer becasue the AlarmArmedState != 1

Don’t know why? Was there a chage how to cancel a timer?
Because this code works before!

Here the code from delay, as i sayed the change from the AlarmArmedState is done correctly 0 => 1 => delay => 2 (but LED still blinking)

And yidea whats going wrong, or how I can break / stop the LED blinking?

rule "blinking LED"
when Item AlarmArmedState changed from 0 to 1
    if (TimerH !== null)
       TimerH = null
    TimerH = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(1)) [|
        if (Alarma.state==ON)
            logInfo("alarm.rules", "222222222222222222222222222 inside blinking timer, AlarmArmedState: {}",AlarmArmedState.state ) 
            logInfo("alarm.rules", "111111111111111111111 inside blinking timer, AlarmArmedState: {}",AlarmArmedState.state ) 
        logInfo("alarm.rules", "hhh inside blinking timer, AlarmArmedState: {}",AlarmArmedState.state ) 
        if (AlarmArmedState.state != 1)
           logInfo("alarm.rules", "zzzz Should cancel: TimerH.cancel ...., AlarmArmedState: {}",AlarmArmedState.state )

Has anyone here an idea, still same issue as post before, but i make some tests and check the logfile little bit deeper:

The rule-part “TimerH.cancel” (fifth line from the end) is reached, because “AlarmArmedState.state” changed from “1” to “2” (vissible in log, I see the logInfo from “…zzzz Should cancel”)

But why did “TimeH.cancel” not cancel the rule / ends the rule?
Is this syntax incorrect? Unshure where I find this code, but also I thought it works before,

So: How can I “break out” from the blinking-loop when AlarmArmedState != 1 ?

The next line that gets executed after that is
You need to re think your if-else logic in some way. When do you want to reschedule - and when you don’t.

As I wrote, I found this code in the www (will search for the source);

but what I “want”:
When the AlarmArmedState changed from 0 to 1 the LED should be blink.
When the AlarmArmedState is no longer 1 (= 0 or 2), the LED should switch of (and no blinking anymore)

And this code is not correct for this case?

Well, does it do what you want? Apparently not, so we’ll have to change it.

Here’s what it does.
When the AlarmArmedState changed from 0 to 1 the rule runs, and creates a Timer that keeps rescheduling itself to flash LEDs.
Okay so far.

When the AlarmArmedState changed from 1 to anything else, nothing in particular happens. The rule doesn’t run.

But the timer is still doing its thing. Sometime within the next second, it will run its code block (that usually flashes the LEDs and reschedules itself).

This time, it will do its thing with the LEDs as usual.
After that, it will check what AlarmArmedState is just now - it will not be 1 this time, so it does the timer cancel. That won’t have any effect because the timer has just expired and we are running the time’s code block. cancel just says don’t do the next scheduled run - but we don’t even have a next scheduled run yet.
After that, whatever AlarmArmedState is, we reschedule the Timer for next LED flash.

There’s two ways you can go at this.

You could have another rule that triggers from AlarmArmedState, looks for the timer, cancels and destroys it. And probably makes sure the LEDs are ON or OFF or whatever you want to be tidy.

Or you can change the timer codeblock so that it doesn’t reschedule itself if AlarmArmedState is 1. And also tidies up the LEDs if you wish.
That’s probably easiest.

:wink: ("Thats probably the easiest) …

Principle I understand how it can/should work, but syntax in openHAB (timer, loop, …) …

I also find this thread, but it was not really tested if it works: Link
Should I try and modify this, “can” it work?

Till the AlarmState is 1: blink the LED in 1s intervall.
When Alarmstate I going to 0, switch on the LED (and clear: no longer blinking!)
When AlarmState is going to 2, switch off the LED (and clear: no longer blinking!)

You’ll learn nothing by copy paste, but here goes

rule "blinking LED"
   Item AlarmArmedState changed from 0 to 1
      // this is just in case of an unexpected stop/restart
   if (TimerH !== null) {
      TimerH = null
      // this creates our flash-loop timer
   TimerH = createTimer(now.plusSeconds(1)) [|

         // each time we run the flash loop, we look to see if its still wanted
       if (AlarmArmedState.state == 1) {
             // still in activating mode
             // so do the flashing
          if (AlarmCtrlLED.state==ON) {
          } else {
          }     // end of flashing part
            // reschedule for next flash

      } else {
          // else armed state is not 1
          if (AlarmArmedState.state == 0) {
                  // alarm disarmed
          } else {
                  // alarm not disarmed, so must be fully armed
             //leds sorted, so now terminate timer
          TimerH = null
   ]    // end of timer code block

I don’t know what that Alarma Item was and have left it out.
If it did something useful, you may need to add it again somehow.

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Thx a lot !!
Works, and also thanks for the comments inside, so bether to understand 8and learn!)

I think and hope, this kind of “blinking LED” -rule-part can be usefull for other guys with a alarm system in oH
(only thing I changed is the on/off part after deactivating, because when alarmstate = “Armed”, the green LED should be off (and no hint for a burgler that there is something …). Green (disarmed) is: “OK, you can go in, no alarm is activ”