[SOLVED] Amazon Echo Control can support also Echo Flex?

Is the item properly updated when a motion is detected? If not, it’s a binding issue.

Thanks. In Alexa I have set up notifications when motion is detected and these work fine. In OpenHAB I am not sure how to test whether the Motion Detector item is updated or not. Do you mean by adding the item to my Dashboard? I have not figured out how to do this yet but perhaps it could show state changes.

Isn’t your item Alexa_Flex1_MotionDetector? Or is that a thing?

Correct, the item name is Alexa_Flex1_MotionDetector, but when you select the item in OpenHAB the binding is a simple on-off switch, which I can manually trigger in the UI, which results in the rule triggering and the Tapo switch turning ON, but nothing happens automatically when motion is detected.

I just went into the Alexa_Flex1_MotionDetector Item config and found under Analyze, the “Add Metadata” option, which gave me a list or attributes including Amazon Alexa “MotionSensor.MotionDetectionState”. Perhaps there is a way to use this data?

I also found the Developer sidebar “Event Monitor” option, but no events appear when motion is detected by the Flex1 detector (confirmed by a light on the device and a notification in Alexa).

When the item state does not change, there is a bug in the binding. Which version of openHAB are you using?

openHAB 4.0.3