i have a rule that supposed to email me when some battery is low.
It worked fine, but now it seems it went crazy and it emails me every time some battery changes.
WHen I inspect the event log, I see a battery changed to 70. And it was accused that is low (should be lower then 19).
here is my rule
(btw I read something about triggeringItemName was deprecated. its true? for me it stil works, in the email alert I get notified which sensor is low on battery. But maybe thats the reason it doesnt work well. should I use some other commands?
rule "Battery Low Alert"
Item BalconyBattery changed or
Item LivingBattery changed or
Item KidsBattery changed or
Item BedroomBattery changed or
Item EntranceDoorBattery changed or
Item Balcony1DoorBattery changed or
Item Balcony2DoorBattery changed or
Item FingerbotBattery changed or
Item VentilationBattery changed
if(BalconyBattery.state < 19 || LivingBattery.state < 19 || KidsBattery.state < 19 || BedroomBattery.state < 19 || EntranceDoorBattery.state < 19 || Balcony1DoorBattery.state < 19 || Balcony2DoorBattery.state < 19 || VentilationBattery.state < 2)
{val mailActions = getActions("mail","mail:smtp:balkon")
mailActions.sendMail("address@server.com", "openHAB Alert - Battery Low", "Battery low for sensor " + triggeringItemName)}
You probably need to convert the state to a numeric value (probably based on a UoM, which I am guessing would be in percent units ( or unit “one”)) before you do the logical value check.
First, triggeringItemName is not deprecated.
Second, a better way to do this would be to use a Group Item, e.g. like this:
// global val has to be defined on top the file
val HashMap<String, Number> hmBatteryThreshold = newHashMap(
BalconyBattery -> 19,
LivingBattery -> 19,
KidsBattery -> 19,
BedroomBattery -> 19,
EntranceDoorBattery -> 19,
Balcony1DoorBattery -> 19,
Balcony2DoorBattery -> 19,
FingerbotBattery -> 19,
VentilationBattery -> 2
rule "Battery low alert"
Member of gBattery changed
var strMessage = "Battery low for sensor "
gBattery.members.filter[i|(i.state as Number).intValue < hmBatteryThreshold.get(i.name)].forEach[j|
strMessage = strMessage + j.name + " (" + j.state.toString + ") "
if(strMessage.size > 25) {
val mailActions = getActions("mail","mail:smtp:balkon")
mailActions.sendMail("address@server.com", "openHAB Alert - Battery Low", strMessage)
Each Item in question has to be a member of the Group gBattery.
The hashMap is for the threshold, because one value is very different.
Be aware that the rule will create many emails when at least one battery is low. There may be options to reduce the amount of emails, e.g. start a timer and check if it’s still runnning before sending another email.
none of these rules work anymore, I tested it with threshold 80 and I dont get any alerts.
It seems DSL is on its way out…I’ll try to create a simple rule in GUI
EDIT: the last one works after all! just took some time
EDIT2: nope, still gets triggered for every battery update same as my original rule
It’s not.
But you’ll have to understand the difference between triggeringItem and triggeringItemName
The former is set to a genericItem if, and only if the rule gets triggered by Member of ..., while the latter is set to a string representing the triggering Item name if, and only if the rule was triggered by Item ...
So it’s up to the trigger, if one or the other is there.
In openHAB2, there was no triggeringItemName at all, but only triggeringItem for both kind of triggers.
That’s where the “deprecated” stuff comes from.
As said, if you want to get only one mail in a certain amount of time, use a timer:
// global var has to be defined on top the file
var Timer tMailAlert = null
rule "Battery low alert"
Member of gBattery changed
if(tMailAlert !== null) // message already sent, so return, !== is correct!
var gDegraded = gBattery.members.filter[i|i.state < 20]
if(gDegraded.size == 0) // no battery state under 20, so return
val mailActions = getActions("mail","mail:smtp:balkon")
var strMessage = "Battery low for sensor "
gDegraded.forEach[j| // build the list of degraded batteries
strMessage = strMessage + j.name + " (" + j.state.toString + ") "
mailActions.sendMail("address@server.com", "openHAB Alert - Battery Low", strMessage)
tMailAlert = createTimer(now.plusHours(4),[|tMailAlert = null])
The former code had a tiny typo (as always… yes, it’s anoying).