And seeing that many of my bindings still have March and February dates on them even though it appears in some of the binding discussions (i.e. HarmonyHub) that they’ve been updated multiple times since then. At one point a month or so back when I was having some issues I did install the openhab-addons package but since have both uninstalled and purged it. Not sure if a file got left behind that’s causing this issue?
Thanks. I found the addons directory still in the kar directory. For any following in my footsteps if you are doing an apt-get install, all the runtime/ directories are in your userdata folder.
Unfortunately doing this seems to have messed up some things in my OH, though I haven’t had time to plumb the depths of the logs, the most annoying one is whenever I use the say() command in a rule now I get this
2017-04-26 18:24:46.538 [ERROR] [.script.engine.ScriptExecutionThread] - Rule 'Sonos State Machine':<init>(Ljava/io/File;Lorg/eclipse/smarthome/core/audio/AudioFormat;)V
Though I did not update that binding, just the harmony binding so I didn’t expect anything else to change.
And the animated climaicons binding I got from somewhere is missing the i18n feature so it stopped working too.