[SOLVED] Can't retrieve OpenWeatherMap data. Invalid API key

I do not see any Darksky bindings and regarding OpenWeatherMap, I do not know how it works with the same free API which is quite limited. Unless, the new binding code calls only for what OpenWeatherMap API provides for free. I do not consider any paid weather services, ever.

https://www.openhab.org/addons/bindings/darksky/ here it is

I also don’t pay anything, and I don’t want to. Basically it is almost unlimited if I remember correctly, only the forecast data is not included in the free-tier (so only “live” weather). But I don’t think that the forecast has any good for a home automation…

This is what OpenWeatherMap API call returns:

lon 174.77
lat -36.85
id 800
main “Clear”
description “clear sky”
icon “01d”
base “stations”
temp 296.66
pressure 1018
humidity 68
temp_min 294.15
temp_max 300.37
visibility 10000
speed 4.1
deg 200
all 0
dt 1574811323
type 1
id 7345
country “NZ”
sunrise 1574787420
sunset 1574839195
timezone 46800
id 2193733
name “Auckland”
cod 200