[SOLVED] DateTime Items compare against fixed DateTimes

there are some solutions here, which can be interesting for you.

My solution is a bit amateurish, as it still has two bugs (after restart and when items …117 and/or …120 have no values) it gives space for improvement, but for me it works for the moment and looks like this:

import org.eclipse.smarthome.model.script.ScriptServiceUtil
var logCount = 4

rule "owm Aggregation daily Measures"

   Item owmTriggerSwitch received command ON  or
   Item localLastMeasurement changed

  if( logCount == 4 ) {
    logInfo ("owm.rules", "Start of Process - owm Aggregation daily Measures" + " + " + triggeringItem.name)  // log every fourth time - means two hours - to show that rule is alive
   //++++ initial variables for the "while"-loop ++++
   var itemindex = 3 //item index
   var itemincrement  = 3 //item step
   //++++ initial variables for daily if-loops as divisor
   var count_day0 = 0
   var count_day1 = 0
   var count_day2 = 0
   var count_day3 = 0
   var count_day4 = 0
   var count_day5 = 0
   //++++ Temperature Results for the days
   var Number sum_temp_day0 = 0
   var Number sum_temp_day1 = 0
   var Number sum_temp_day2 = 0
   var Number sum_temp_day3 = 0
   var Number sum_temp_day4 = 0
   var Number sum_temp_day5 = 0
   var Number avg_temp_day0 = 0
   var Number avg_temp_day1 = 0
   var Number avg_temp_day2 = 0
   var Number avg_temp_day3 = 0
   var Number avg_temp_day4 = 0
   var Number avg_temp_day5 = 0
   //+++++ for daily MIN/MAX Temperature-Values
   var Number min_temp_day0 = 999.9
   var Number min_temp_day1 = 999.9
   var Number min_temp_day2 = 999.9
   var Number min_temp_day3 = 999.9
   var Number min_temp_day4 = 999.9
   var Number min_temp_day5 = 999.9
   var Number max_temp_day0 = -999.9
   var Number max_temp_day1 = -999.9
   var Number max_temp_day2 = -999.9
   var Number max_temp_day3 = -999.9
   var Number max_temp_day4 = -999.9
   var Number max_temp_day5 = -999.9
   //++++ Rain Results for the days
   var Number sum_rain_day0 = 0.0
   var Number sum_rain_day1 = 0.0
   var Number sum_rain_day2 = 0.0
   var Number sum_rain_day3 = 0.0
   var Number sum_rain_day4 = 0.0
   var Number sum_rain_day5 = 0.0
   //++++ Snow Results for the days
   var Number sum_snow_day0 = 0.0
   var Number sum_snow_day1 = 0.0
   var Number sum_snow_day2 = 0.0
   var Number sum_snow_day3 = 0.0
   var Number sum_snow_day4 = 0.0
   var Number sum_snow_day5 = 0.0

   //++++ initialize daily forecastvariables from day0(today) to day5 to compare in the "if"-loops ++++           ***thx to @5iver and @vzorglub for help***
   //++++ https://community.openhab.org/t/datetime-items-compare-against-fixed-datetimes/58615     ++++
   var day0 = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).toString("yyMMdd")
   var day1 = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(1).toString("yyMMdd")
   var day2 = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(2).toString("yyMMdd")
   var day3 = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(3).toString("yyMMdd")
   var day4 = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(4).toString("yyMMdd")
   var day5 = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(5).toString("yyMMdd")
   var tmp_timestamp = new DateTime().toString("yyMMdd")
//     logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 0: " + tmp_timestamp)     
   //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++             Processing              ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	 // possible Errors: (maybe there's one to found a solution, i still didn't) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 //   On Start or Restart:
	 //        [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.owm.rules] - Start of Process - owm Aggregation daily Measures
   //        [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'owm Aggregation daily Measures': An error occurred during the script execution: null
   //         -> you can handle it by using the Switch-Trigger above (owmTriggerSwitch) to get your fields filled presto or wait 'til the next Rule-Processing)
	 //   If not all item-fields are filled by the OpenweatherMap-Binding:
   //	    This can happen from time to time, that the items with 'itemindex' 117 and/or 120 are State "NULL" (mostly after the midnight-hours)
	 //       [INFO ] [pse.smarthome.model.script.owm.rules] - Start of Process - owm Aggregation daily Measures + owmTriggerSwitch
   //       [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'owm Aggregation daily Measures': Invalid format: "NULL"
   //       -> you can reduce the itemindex below (while ...) or wait some hours ;)(or look whats wrong with my below if-Statement "if (tempItemTimestamp != NULL && itemindex <=120)")
  val imin = 0
  val imax =120
  while ((itemindex >=imin) && (itemindex <=imax))     //  ++++ Reduce itemindex for testing, when working it is 120 (imax) or less as in Thing-Parameter --> forecastHours=xxx <-- ++++
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 1: " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex)     
   //++++ Pointer-adresses for the dynamically generated items to get corresponding/generic item                           ***thx to @5iver and @rlkoshak for help***
   var GenericItem tempItemTimestamp = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem("localHourlyForecast"+itemindex+"Timestamp") as  GenericItem  // ***thx to @5iver ***
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 2: " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex+ " /: " + tempItemTimestamp)     
   var GenericItem tempItemTemperature = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem("localHourlyForecast"+itemindex+"Temperature") as  GenericItem  // ***thx to @5iver ***
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 3a: " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex + " /: " + tempItemTemperature)
   var GenericItem tempItemRainVolume = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem("localHourlyForecast"+itemindex+"RainVolume") as  GenericItem  // ***thx to @5iver ***
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 3aa: " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex + " /: " + tempItemRainVolume)
   var GenericItem tempItemSnowVolume = ScriptServiceUtil.getItemRegistry.getItem("localHourlyForecast"+itemindex+"SnowVolume") as  GenericItem  // ***thx to @5iver ***
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 3aaa: " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex + " /: " + tempItemSnowVolume)
     var test = tempItemTimestamp.state
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 3b: " + test)     
   if (tempItemTimestamp.state != NULL && itemindex <=imax) {
       //test = tempItemTimestamp.state
       //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 4a: " + test)
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 4b: " + tempItemTimestamp + " /: " + itemindex)
     tmp_timestamp = new DateTime(tempItemTimestamp.state.toString).toString("yyMMdd") // create temporarily timestamp as needed -yyMMdd-
     //logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 5: " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex)
     //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 Day 0               ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     if (day0 == tmp_timestamp)
       itemindex = itemindex + itemincrement
       count_day0 = count_day0 + 1
       sum_temp_day0 = sum_temp_day0 + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       //++++++++++++++++ Temperature Minimum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        var Number min = 0
        min = min + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
        if (min_temp_day0 > min) {
         min_temp_day0 = min
        //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Maximum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        var Number max = 0
        max = max + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
        if (max_temp_day0 < max) {
         max_temp_day0 = max
        //+++++++++++++++ Rain Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_rain_day0 = sum_rain_day0 + tempItemRainVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Rain Day 0: " + sum_rain_day0)
         //+++++++++++++++ Snow Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_snow_day0 = sum_snow_day0 + tempItemSnowVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Snow Day 0: " + sum_snow_day0)
     //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 Day 1               ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     if (day1 == tmp_timestamp) {
       itemindex = itemindex + itemincrement
       count_day1 = count_day1 + 1
       sum_temp_day1 = sum_temp_day1 + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Minimum of the day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number min = 0
       min = min + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (min_temp_day1 > min) {
         min_temp_day1 = min
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Maximum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number max = 0
       max = max + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType) 
       if (max_temp_day1 < max) {
         max_temp_day1 = max
        //+++++++++++++++ Rain Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_rain_day1 = sum_rain_day1 + tempItemRainVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Rain Day 1: " + sum_rain_day1 + " : " + tempItemRainVolume.state)
         //+++++++++++++++ Snow Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_snow_day1 = sum_snow_day1 + tempItemSnowVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Snow Day 1: " + sum_snow_day1 + " : " + tempItemSnowVolume.state)
     //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 Day 2               ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     if (day2 == tmp_timestamp) {
       itemindex = itemindex + itemincrement
       count_day2 = count_day2 + 1
       sum_temp_day2 = sum_temp_day2 + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Minimum of the day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number min = 0
       min = min + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (min_temp_day2 > min) {
         min_temp_day2 = min
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Maximum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number max = 0
       max = max + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (max_temp_day2 < max) {
         max_temp_day2 = max
        //+++++++++++++++ Rain Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_rain_day2 = sum_rain_day2 + tempItemRainVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Rain Day 2: " + sum_rain_day2 + " : " + tempItemRainVolume.state)
         //+++++++++++++++ Snow Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_snow_day2 = sum_snow_day2 + tempItemSnowVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Snow Day 2: " + sum_snow_day2 + " : " + tempItemSnowVolume.state)
     //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 Day 3               ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     if (day3 == tmp_timestamp) {
       itemindex = itemindex + itemincrement
       count_day3 = count_day3 + 1
       sum_temp_day3 = sum_temp_day3 + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Minimum of the day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number min = 0
       min = min + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (min_temp_day3 > min) {
         min_temp_day3 = min
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Maximum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number max = 0
       max = max + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (max_temp_day3 < max) {
         max_temp_day3 = max
        //+++++++++++++++ Rain Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_rain_day3 = sum_rain_day3 + tempItemRainVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Rain Day 3: " + sum_rain_day3 + " : " + tempItemRainVolume.state)
         //+++++++++++++++ Snow Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_snow_day3 = sum_snow_day3 + tempItemSnowVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Snow Day 3: " + sum_snow_day3 + " : " + tempItemSnowVolume.state)
     //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 Day 4               ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     if (day4 == tmp_timestamp) {
       itemindex = itemindex + itemincrement
       count_day4 = count_day4 + 1
       sum_temp_day4 = sum_temp_day4 + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Minimum of the day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number min = 0
       min = min + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (min_temp_day4 > min) {
         min_temp_day4 = min
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Maximum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number max = 0
       max = max + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (max_temp_day4 < max) {
         max_temp_day4 = max
        //+++++++++++++++ Rain Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_rain_day4 = sum_rain_day4 + tempItemRainVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Rain Day 4: " + sum_rain_day4 + " : " + tempItemRainVolume.state)
         //+++++++++++++++ Snow Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_snow_day4 = sum_snow_day4 + tempItemSnowVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Snow Day 4: " + sum_snow_day4 + " : " + tempItemSnowVolume.state)
     //++++++++++++++++++++++++++++                 Day 5               ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
     if (day5 == tmp_timestamp) {
       itemindex = itemindex + itemincrement
       count_day5 = count_day5 + 1
       sum_temp_day5 = sum_temp_day5 + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Minimum of the day ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number min = 0
       min = min + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (min_temp_day5 > min) {
         min_temp_day5 = min
       //+++++++++++++++ Temperature Maximum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       var Number max = 0
       max = max + tempItemTemperature.getStateAs(DecimalType)
       if (max_temp_day5 < max) {
         max_temp_day5 = max
        //+++++++++++++++ Rain Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_rain_day5 = sum_rain_day5 + tempItemRainVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Rain Day 5: " + sum_rain_day5 + " : " + tempItemRainVolume.state)
         //+++++++++++++++ Snow Sum of the day +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
        sum_snow_day5 = sum_snow_day5 + tempItemSnowVolume.getStateAs(DecimalType)
//        logInfo("owm.rules","DebugPoint 5a Snow Day 5: " + sum_snow_day5 + " : " + tempItemSnowVolume.state)
   } //end of initial if
   else if (tmp_timestamp == day5)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", " End Else tmp_timestamp:" + tmp_timestamp + " day5: " + day5 + " Schow tempItemTimestamp: " + tempItemTimestamp + " /: " + itemindex) 
  }  // End of while
     // logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 4: Calc begin " + tmp_timestamp + " /: " + itemindex)     

   //++++++++++++++++++ Check Division by zero and calculate Average ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   if (sum_temp_day0 != 0 && count_day0 != 0) avg_temp_day0 = sum_temp_day0 / count_day0
   if (sum_temp_day1 != 0 && count_day1 != 0) avg_temp_day1 = sum_temp_day1 / count_day1
   if (sum_temp_day2 != 0 && count_day2 != 0) avg_temp_day2 = sum_temp_day2 / count_day2
   if (sum_temp_day3 != 0 && count_day3 != 0) avg_temp_day3 = sum_temp_day3 / count_day3
   if (sum_temp_day4 != 0 && count_day4 != 0) avg_temp_day4 = sum_temp_day4 / count_day4
   if (sum_temp_day5 != 0 && count_day5 != 0) avg_temp_day5 = sum_temp_day5 / count_day5
   //   logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 60  after Division")
   //++++++++++++++++ Update Items in owm.items +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   //+++++++++++++++ Formatting and Updating Forecast StringItems in owm.items ++++++++++++++++++++
   var day0_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).toString("EE, dd.MMM")
   var day1_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(1).toString("EE, dd.MMM")
   var day2_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(2).toString("EE, dd.MMM")
   var day3_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(3).toString("EE, dd.MMM")
   var day4_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(4).toString("EE, dd.MMM")
   var day5_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(5).toString("EE, dd.MMM")
   //var day5_format = new DateTime(localLastMeasurement.state.toString).plusDays(5).toString("EE, yyyy-MM-dd") // old Version
   //+++++++++++++++++  Concatenate for sitemap ++*++++++++++++++++++*++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   owmForecast_0Temp.postUpdate(day0_format + ": min/max/avg: " + String::format("%.1f",min_temp_day0) + " / " + String::format("%.1f",max_temp_day0) + " / " + localDay0TemperatureAverage.state.format("%.1f").toString)
   owmForecast_1Temp.postUpdate(day1_format + ": min/max/avg: " + String::format("%.1f",min_temp_day1) + " / " + String::format("%.1f",max_temp_day1) + " / " + localDay1TemperatureAverage.state.format("%.1f").toString)
   owmForecast_2Temp.postUpdate(day2_format + ": min/max/avg: " + String::format("%.1f",min_temp_day2) + " / " + String::format("%.1f",max_temp_day2) + " / " + localDay2TemperatureAverage.state.format("%.1f").toString)
   owmForecast_3Temp.postUpdate(day3_format + ": min/max/avg: " + String::format("%.1f",min_temp_day3) + " / " + String::format("%.1f",max_temp_day3) + " / " + localDay3TemperatureAverage.state.format("%.1f").toString)
   owmForecast_4Temp.postUpdate(day4_format + ": min/max/avg: " + String::format("%.1f",min_temp_day4) + " / " + String::format("%.1f",max_temp_day4) + " / " + localDay4TemperatureAverage.state.format("%.1f").toString)
   owmForecast_5Temp.postUpdate(day5_format + ": min/max/avg: " + String::format("%.1f",min_temp_day5) + " / " + String::format("%.1f",max_temp_day5) + " / " + localDay5TemperatureAverage.state.format("%.1f").toString)
//      logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 100  Temp-update " + sum_rain_day5)

   owmForecast_0Rain.postUpdate(day0_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_rain_day0))
   owmForecast_1Rain.postUpdate(day1_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_rain_day1))
   owmForecast_2Rain.postUpdate(day2_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_rain_day2))
   owmForecast_3Rain.postUpdate(day3_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_rain_day3))
   owmForecast_4Rain.postUpdate(day4_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_rain_day4))
   owmForecast_5Rain.postUpdate(day5_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_rain_day5))
 //    logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 110  Rain-update")

   owmForecast_0Snow.postUpdate(day0_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_snow_day0))
   owmForecast_1Snow.postUpdate(day1_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_snow_day1))
   owmForecast_2Snow.postUpdate(day2_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_snow_day2))
   owmForecast_3Snow.postUpdate(day3_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_snow_day3))
   owmForecast_4Snow.postUpdate(day4_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_snow_day4))
   owmForecast_5Snow.postUpdate(day5_format + " " + String::format("%.1f",sum_snow_day5))
//      logInfo ("owm.rules", "DebugPoint 120  Snow-update")
   //   logInfo ("owm.rules end", "before timestamp:")
   //   lastRuleRefresh.postUpdate((now).toDate) // Timestamp of RuleRefresh  - is not correct
   lastRuleRefresh.postUpdate(new DateTimeType())
   if( logCount >= 4 ) {
      logInfo ("owm.rules", "End   of Process - 6a Aggregation daily Measures: " + logCount)    // log every fourth time - means two hours - to show that rule is alive
      logCount = 0
      logCount = logCount + 1
      //logInfo ("owm.rules", "End   of Process - 6b Aggregation daily Measures: " + logCount) // Test Debug
   else {
      logCount = logCount +1
      //logInfo ("owm.rules", "End   of Process - 7 Aggregation daily Measures: " + logCount) // Test Debug)
//logInfo ("owm.rules", "End of Rule: " ) // Test Debug   

rule "owm_removeGroup_test"
// This rule is only used to clear the testgroups
   Item Dummy4x received command ON

     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 0 " + localHourlyForecast3Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     localHourlyForecast3Temperature.removeGroupName("gTemp_day0")        // only for test if dynamic Group - removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 0 " + localHourlyForecast3Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 0 " + localHourlyForecast6Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     localHourlyForecast6Temperature.removeGroupName("gTemp_day0")        // only for test if dynamic Group - removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 0 " + localHourlyForecast6Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 0 " + localHourlyForecast9Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     localHourlyForecast9Temperature.removeGroupName("gTemp_day0")        // only for test if dynamic Group - removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 0 " + localHourlyForecast9Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 1 " + localHourlyForecast3Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     localHourlyForecast3Temperature.removeGroupName("gTemp_day1")        // only for test if dynamic Group - removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 1 " + localHourlyForecast3Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 1 " + localHourlyForecast6Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     localHourlyForecast6Temperature.removeGroupName("gTemp_day1")        // only for test if dynamic Group - removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 1 " + localHourlyForecast6Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 1 " + localHourlyForecast9Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     localHourlyForecast9Temperature.removeGroupName("gTemp_day1")        // only for test if dynamic Group - removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "Group day 1 " + localHourlyForecast9Temperature)    // only for test if dynamic Group  removeGroupName works (with a named item from owm.items it works)
     logInfo ("owm.rules", "End ")


As you can see at end there is another rule, where i began to test with dynamic/generic Groups. But at the moment i have no time( no gusto :wink:) to tinker at it. The result looks like this:
