[SOLVED] Default white - HSBType error (Xioami Vacuum Binding)

So If I run the following command on of my Yeelights to get the default white state of my Yeelights:

var String currentState = Yeelightc_7.state as HSBType

I get Hue = 0, saturation= 100, Brightness = 100

But If I send a command like this:

var HSBType weiss = new HSBType(new DecimalType(0),new PercentType(100),new PercentType(100))

The Yeelights turn actually red, does someone noticed this weird behaviour or did someone managed to turn them to their default “bright white” state?
Thanks in advantage :slight_smile:

note: I don’t really want to use the default Yeelight binding, since they’ve run perfectly with the robot vacuum binding …

Well… They don’t. Do they?
Why not use the binding?

I think this has to do with the colour mode setting.
If I recall well, the RGB is send, whereas you send a HSB.
You may try to change the colour mode first

Hey marcel,
thanks for the answer.
Where can I change the colour mode?

if you mean the yeelight channel:
I actually never used it, do I need a selection item with mapping for this channel and if yes, which inputs?

Thank you, reading myself a bit more into the docs solved my problem!

Could you post your solution, please?
It may help another user someday. Thanks

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Yeah of course:
with the actions#commands channel


When the item is know, as in your case, it is recommended to use the method instead of the action:


Please see: https://www.openhab.org/docs/configuration/rules-dsl.html#myitem-sendcommand-new-state-versus-sendcommand-myitem-new-state