Hello folks,
I’ve started developing a new OH2 add-on, following this guides:
- IDE setup
- Developing bindings
- In IDE chosen: File->Import->General->Existing Projects into Workspace
Now I have some questions related to symbols in Package Explorer:
My new binding has a question mark (?)! Is it unknown on git repository, unknown project, or whatever unknown? What to do to get rid the question mark (?) ? Is this normal?
I could compile my new binding with: --> switching to folder of the new binding (in command line): --> mvn clean install. A .jar file was created in target folder and it is running on my OH2 server without any problems…
But how can I achive the SAME with Eclipse IDE?
–> Mark the new binding --> File --> Export -->Java
What to select? JAR file or Runnable JAR file?
What else to select in next step?