[SOLVED] Gateway Ikea Tradfri V1.9.27 doesn't works on Stable Openhab 2.4 release

Hell all,

At 2019-09-10T22:00:00Z my Gateway Ikea Tradfri did a automatic firmware release to V1.9.27, after this day my openhab 2.4 can connect to gateway, all items are “ON-LINE” included the TRADFRI Gateway but no real action (commands) in the equipments.

  • Platform information:
    • Hardware: Raspberry pi
    • openHAB version: openHAB 2 - Stable 2.4.0*

I have been checking the LogViewer - No error, No Warn messages, I re-started the openhab, everything seems to be working correctly.

I have a file "light.things"that I configured the Ikea gateway as below.

Bridge tradfri:gateway:gw-xxxxxxxxx [ host="xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx", identity="xxxxx", preSharedKey="xxxxx" ] {

Could you help me to solve the issue?

Best Regards,


Same here on 2.5M2. I‘ll have a look today.

Edit: I had to reboot the gateway, delete the gateway thing,restart OH, then re-add it and it worked again. No code changes needed.

Hi J-N-K,

It works now. I had reboot the gateways, wait the update components like Bulbs, switches, etc… and follow your comments.

Thanks a lot.


Great to hear it worked for you. For me it didn’t. Anyone else still stuck?

I’m also running version 1.9.27 for my Ikea Tradfri gateway.