[SOLVED] Get an correct ouput-value from a LCN-Output

Hello together it’s me again … the stupid one :wink:

now everything is working fine so it’s time to enhance the system. I have dicovered, that someone forget to switch off the toilet light, so I decide to write a rule that switch off the light after 15minutes. So far so good. I have defined the following item that will be updated correctly when I switch on/off the toilet-light.

Number  LCN_WC_WC_Licht                     "M20(WC) WC Licht [%d]"              <slider> {lcn="[lcn_home:OUTPUT_STATUS.4.20.1]"}

Now in the first step I want to get the brightness of the light as a integer value inside the rule.

rule "DetectWcLight"
        Item LCN_WC_WC_Licht changed
    then {  
        var int WC_Licht = LCN_WC_WC_Licht.state

        logInfo("DetectLight", "LightOn =", WC_Licht) //, String::format ("%d", WC_Licht))
        if (WC_Licht > 0) {

            LightOn = true 
           	//var Number A1Status = LCN_WC_Light.state
   			logInfo("LightOn =", WC_Licht)
        else {
            LightOn = false

When I know switch the light, I get empty Info-Message and an error

2018-04-11 14:58:19.564 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - LCN_WC_WC_Licht changed from 0 to 64

==> /var/log/openhab2/openhab.log <==

2018-04-11 14:58:19.927 [INFO ] [e.smarthome.model.script.DetectLight] - LightOn =

2018-04-11 14:58:19.936 [ERROR] [ntime.internal.engine.RuleEngineImpl] - Rule 'DetectWcLight': An error occurred during the script execution: Could not invoke method: org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.lib.IntegerExtensions.operator_greaterThan(int,int) on instance: null

My suggestion is, that the assigment to WC_Licht was the first error …

Are there any idear’s ?

Thanks and best regards

Don’t use an Int, use a number
Your logInfo statement is wrong
Where is LightOn declared?

rule “DetectWcLight”
Item LCN_WC_WC_Licht changed
then {
var Number WC_Licht = LCN_WC_WC_Licht.state

    logInfo("DetectLight", "LightOn =" + WC_Licht.toString) //, String::format ("%d", WC_Licht))
    if (WC_Licht > 0) {
        LightOn = true 
        //var Number A1Status = LCN_WC_Light.state
        logInfo("LightOn =", WC_Licht.toString)
    } else {
        LightOn = false


Hello Vincent,

thanks for your advice, it works mutch better … without Errors and correct value inside the logInfo :+1:

To yout question … LightOn is declared at the top o the rule file, that I didn’t attach to py post.

var boolean LightOn 	= false		// Light is on if OUTPUT_STATUS > 0

There is actually less functionality, but it is the start point for the rule … :wink:

Thanks and best regards