[SOLVED] HABpanel - how to configure dynamic icons in switch

Good evening,

i already searched for my issue here but i did not found any solution. I have a switch ‘bell’ where i am able to activate or deactivate the bell in the house.
The switch works fine but i would like to have dynamic icons. I have 3 icons in …/icons/classic

  • mybell-on.png
  • mybell-off.png
  • mybell

How do i have to configure the switch in HABpanel? Do i have to use ‘custom’ icon? Is png working at all?

Thank you for your support!


Either use png or svg as file format. As svg is default, you may want to switch to png through Paper UI:

Configuration->Services->UI->Basic UI->Icon Format->Bitmap and
Configuration->Services->UI->Classic UI->Icon Format->Bitmap

or simply change your custom icons to svg format… :wink:

Thank you! SVG is working fine. I was not aware about the possibility to change icon format.

Have a nice day!
