I have InfluxDB and Grafan setup as docker container, and I can have nice charts of numeric values, really neat.
Regarding Wind direction, how would you proceed ? I get wind direction from Wunderground as acronym (SSW, S, NE …). Is it possible to make graph of these with InfluxDB + Grafana ?
I’m not using this weather provider, however I’d be surprised if the degree value isn’t provided.
Otherwise you could map each possible “alphabetical direction” to a number.
N = 0 or 360
NE = 45
E= 90
SE= 135
wind_degrees is the field in the XML or JSON if you are pulling the data from Wunderground using HTTP or windDirectionDegrees is the channel if you are using the Wunderground binding.
No need to create a map and using the degrees will be more informative anyway.