Installation of openhab beta5 > works fine and inbox got filled with new things identified, e.g. hue
Installation of openhab 2.0 > inbox empty and does NOT fill, e.g. identify hue, etc…
Is this normal behaviour of version 2.0?
Have done both, oh2 beta5 and oh2 2.0 installation on same hw/sw environment with following manual installation procedure:
Hi Jens. I’m an absolute newbie in the OpenHab world I Have a Problem with my Wemo Switches. On the Paper UI, I Installed the Wemo Add On, but only one of my three switches appeared in my Inbox.
How do I get the other two Wemo Switches?
What type of WeMo devices is missing ?
Are those in the same network like the discovered ones?
You should start a seperate discussion for your issue, tagging as WeMo related.
They are all in the same network, but only one of my three equal switches appeared in my Inbox.
But as you suggested, I will start a seperate discussion about those switches. Thank you!!