if I try to see the graph of the “Analyse” part, it shows no data. With Grafana I can see the data. From the logs it looks like this that OpenHab has a problem with the Query.
I´m on version 4.3.0 M4 on a docker environment. Here the logs:
2024-12-07 08:54:24.515 [TRACE] [.influxdb.InfluxDBPersistenceService] - Query-Filter: itemname: Shelly33_Stromverbrauch, ordering: ASCENDING, state: null, operator: EQ, getBeginDate: 2024-12-07T07:54:26.728Z, getEndDate: null, getPageSize: 1, getPageNumber: 0
2024-12-07 08:54:24.517 [TRACE] [rnal.influx2.InfluxDB2RepositoryImpl] - Query from(bucket:"openhab_db")
|> range(start:2024-12-07T07:54:26.728000000Z, stop:100y)
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "Shelly33.Stromverbrauch")
|> filter(fn: (r) => r["item"] == "Shelly33_Stromverbrauch")
|> keep(columns:["_measurement", "_time", "_value", "item"])
|> sort(desc:false, columns:["_time"])
|> limit(n:1, offset:0)
2024-12-07 08:54:24.525 [WARN ] [rnal.influx2.InfluxDB2RepositoryImpl] - Failed to execute query 'FilterCriteria [itemName=Shelly33_Stromverbrauch, beginDate=2024-12-07T07:54:26.728Z, endDate=null, pageNumber=0, pageSize=1, operator=EQ, ordering=ASCENDING, state=null]': null
Any suggestions what the cause could be?
Greets Xarrax