[SOLVED] Minimote Unknown Device

Note that this is not the development version of the binding. I don’t believe @chris is doing anything other than database updates on this binding because it’ll soon (couple weeks) be replaced by the development version of the binding. Once the dev version becomes master, when you replace your zwave version with the latest version from Cloudbees, you will need to delete and rediscover your node Things. One thing I’ve noticed on the dev version is that the node heal process, which runs nightly and at initialization, has made my network more reliable.

It is helpful to use code fences for this type of data. Much easier to read.

231 Active 80 org.openhab.binding.zwave
239 Installed 80 2.3.0 org.openhab.binding.zwave

The original version of the zwave binding that you installed probably is still cached by openHAB. You can resolve that by doing the following:

  • stop openHAB
  • remove the contents of openhab2/userdata/tmp and openhab2/userdata/cache. Don’t remove the directories; just remove the contents of the directories.
  • start openHAB

Yes, this causes the MM to wake up, which allows the binding to talk to it.

None of my MMs are connected to anything either.

I’m not exactly sure what you mean by signals. The MM doesn’t wake up on its own. The only way to make it send messages is to wake it up (like you did), or press a scene button. When you press a scene button, you should see the SCENE_ACTIVATION command class in the debug log. You might want to become familiar with Chris’s log viewer. It’s much easier than reading log files. :wink:

If you delete the node Things using HABmin, then run discovery (the little search icon in HABMin), are they still there?