I’m configuring the SONOFF devices on OH2 V2.4 using the new MQTT2 protocol. Everything went well, except when I try to use the SONOFF 4CH. At the .things file I wrote all the configurations, all were accepted, except the 2 SONOFFs 4CH which I configured this way:

Thing mqtt:topic:sonoff-sala "Sonoff sala" @ "MQTT"  {
      Type switch : switch1 "Livingroom"       [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/POWER1", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/cmnd/POWER1", on="ON", off="OFF"  ]
      Type switch : switch2 "Diningroommiddle" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/POWER2", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/cmnd/POWER2", on="ON", off="OFF"  ]
      Type switch : switch3 "Diningroomedge"   [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/POWER3", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/cmnd/POWER3", on="ON", off="OFF"  ]
      Type switch : switch4 "Balcony"          [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/POWER4", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-sala/cmnd/POWER4", on="ON", off="OFF"  ]

	  Type string : state1 "LivingroomState"   [ stateTopic="stat/sonoff-sala/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER1", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type string : state2 "DiningmiddleState" [ stateTopic="stat/sonoff-sala/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER2", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type string : state3 "DiningedgeState"   [ stateTopic="stat/sonoff-sala/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER3", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type string : state4 "BalconyState"      [ stateTopic="stat/sonoff-sala/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER4", on="ON", off="OFF" ]

 Thing mqtt:topic:sonoff-cozinha "Sonoff cozinha" @ "MQTT"  {
      Type switch : switch1 "PowerSwitch1" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/POWER1", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/cmnd/POWER1", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type switch : switch2 "PowerSwitch2" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/POWER2", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/cmnd/POWER2", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
	  Type switch : switch3 "PowerSwitch3" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/POWER3", commandTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/cmnd/POWER3", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type string : state01 "Switch1State" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER1", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type string : state02 "Switch2State" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER2", on="ON", off="OFF" ]
      Type string : state03 "Switch3State" [ stateTopic="tasmota/sonoff-cozinha/STATE", transformationPattern="JSONPATH:$.POWER3", on="ON", off="OFF" ]

At PAPER UI, it shows the following error: java.lang.Exception: No MQTT client

Any ideas on how I can solve this issue??



Yes, restart openHAB or update to snapshot where this bug has been resolved

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After reboot it worked!! Thank you!