[SOLVED] Multiple things linked to a single item - How to make this work

I guess you mean autoupdate.
That suggests your Zooz just isn’t reporting to the Item correctly, whether that’s misconfiguration or misunderstanding of OH or device settings.
Uncouple it from the rule for now by removing the trigger, concentrate on getting reliable Zooz feedback at your Item. Send it commands from UI and watch events.log

So change the command poll interval randomly till it stays off when turned off in the ophab UI? Or is another thing I should be changing and testing?

Another thought I had would be to ask for a recommendation on what switches I should use that are known to work with OpenHAB, I’d need an on/off and a dimmer (for fan control). I am not married to the Zooz at all, nor to Z-Wave either.

zwave works with openHAB. Sometimes stuff needs configuring.

I am not a zwave user, I do not know Zooz, the problem is now buried in a thread about Items and two-way controls.

Remove autoupdate from your zooz Item. (to stop it muddying the waters)
Comment out the cross-linking rule for now. (ditto)
That will leave your zooz Item so that you can send commands to it and observe the responses in your events.log
Maybe it responds too quickly with old status. Maybe it doesn’t actually respond, you just get periodic reports. Maybe your zwave network is horribly delayed. I don’t know.

Armed with evidence, you might consider creating a new post specifically about your zooz/zwave problem to attract the right answers.
Don’t be shy of making a new thread - specific requests get more useful responses than long rambles around the whole system.