It should work now … I’m waiting tomorrow morning, as now my Binding is offline. If everything works as expected, I will update the binding doc. Ok?
It should work now … I’m waiting tomorrow morning, as now my Binding is offline. If everything works as expected, I will update the binding doc. Ok?
Question: the items should be String?
As I see in my logs:
2021-03-15 18:20:38.442 [ERROR] [org.openhab.core.items.GenericItem ] - Tried to set invalid state 93 min (QuantityType) on item Openuv_SafeExposure5 of type StringItem, ignoring it
2021-03-15 18:20:38.458 [ERROR] [org.openhab.core.items.GenericItem ] - Tried to set invalid state 93 min (QuantityType) on item Openuv_SafeExposure6 of type StringItem, ignoring it
2021-03-15 18:20:38.478 [ERROR] [org.openhab.core.items.GenericItem ] - Tried to set invalid state 93 min (QuantityType) on item Openuv_SafeExposure1 of type StringItem, ignoring it
2021-03-15 18:20:38.496 [ERROR] [org.openhab.core.items.GenericItem ] - Tried to set invalid state 93 min (QuantityType) on item Openuv_SafeExposure2 of type StringItem, ignoring it
2021-03-15 18:20:38.542 [ERROR] [org.openhab.core.items.GenericItem ] - Tried to set invalid state 93 min (QuantityType) on item Openuv_SafeExposure3 of type StringItem, ignoring it
2021-03-15 18:20:38.558 [ERROR] [org.openhab.core.items.GenericItem ] - Tried to set invalid state 93 min (QuantityType) on item Openuv_SafeExposure4 of type StringItem, ignoring it
No, items should be be Quantity type:time
You should leave file configurations and use MainUI, it’s so easy and reliable.
Hello @ariela , did you push a doc update with your configuration findings ?
Not yet, as I followed your suggestion. But I can, I have the previous static configurations. I’ll do for sure
Just sent the pull request. Sorry Gaël for this enormous delay
@glhopital ciao
I’ve moved my openhabian setup from snapshot to 3.3.0 M3, and the “safe exposure” fields are now reporting “NULL”.
Did you change something there?
No recently. Please check your configuration.
very strange. I’ve re-created the channels, but I see only one id (SafeExposure, index II).
Here my previous working things file:
Bridge openuv:openuvapi:local "OpenUV API" @ "Accounts" [ apikey="xxxxxxxxxxxx" ] {
Thing uvreport milan "Local UV" @ "Outdoor" [ location="45.465051,9.094615", refresh=20 ] {
Type SafeExposure : pale [
Type SafeExposure : white [
Type SafeExposure : light_brown [
Type SafeExposure : moderate_brown [
Type SafeExposure : dark_brown [
Type SafeExposure : black [
Any suggestion?
@glhopital it’s very strange. I’ve tried almost everything, not able to see any safe exposure info coming from openuv
all the other data are ok.
Nothing from log in DEBUG or TRACE. But in the PaperUI I see only one channel (Index II), without any item associated, totally different from my configuration above
Any suggestion?
not sure, but to me this is an issue with the binding (or interactions between 3.3.3 M3/M4 and the binding).
In facts, using a simple curl request like:
/usr/bin/curl -s -XGET "" -H "x-access-token: myAPItoken" > openuv.txt
I can see this output:
so the 6 indexes (st1, st2, st3, …) are there, no issues on side, or with the API token.
but if I use this configuration:
Bridge openuv:openuvapi:local "OpenUV API" @ "Accounts" [ apikey="myAPItoken" ] {
Thing uvreport milan "Local UV" @ "Outdoor" [ location="mylat,mylong", refresh=20 ] {
Type SafeExposure : pale [
Type SafeExposure : white [
Type SafeExposure : light_brown [
Type SafeExposure : moderate_brown [
Type SafeExposure : dark_brown [
Type SafeExposure : black [
I receive all the info, but not the safe exposure values.
Not sure how to troubleshoot further. Any clue?
I have no time to dig in this right now. Can you please file an issue in github openhab-addons repo with the elements you collected ?
thank you,
thanks again
Once the ongoing PR on netatmo is merged, I’ll have time to take a look at this. Thanks for your patience.
Thank you and thank you also for working on the new PR for Netatmo Binding (#12677 right?)
No, currently #12357. #12677 will come after - or else none of us will have its Netatmo working with OH.
Pull request created.
thank you very much
ciao Gaël,
we are almost there I’ve tried the fix in 3.3.0 M5, and it works at the beginning … after some time (few minutes or so) I see all the SafeExposure items still with a “NULL” value
Adding the comment in GitHub