I face a problem, that it’s not possible for me to access the OpenHAB2 GUI over Port 8080. As I understood it’s not possible to change the port at the moment.
I’m testing OpenHAB2 on a Raspberry 2, in parallel with OpenHAB1 (which runs on port 8181).
OpenHAB2 is started with sudo (to eliminate any permission problems).
Before startup “sudo netstat -lpn |grep :8080” shows no service on this port.
After startup java is listening on this port.
But my browser (Chrome) reports ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE and shows nothing.
You can set the environment variable OPENHAB_HTTP_PORT and OPENHAB_HTTPS_PORT to change the ports used by openHAB. If no variable is set, they will be set to the defaults in runtime/karaf/bin/setenv.sh.
Thanks, this solved the problem. I changed the HTTP and the HTTPS port.
I assume the problem was that the HTTPS 8443 was already in use and therefore also the user interface was also not available over HTTP.
I checked port numbers and they are 8080,8443 but I cannot access OH over browser.
I connected screen to HDMI, after rebooting there is information “service reachable at http://openhabiandevice:8080”, the same when I check service status over PuTTy.
It is fresh installation of current Openhabian on RasperyPi 3B+
I can access
“sudo openhabian-config”,
log viewer at
but nothing on 8080 or 8443
One more strange behavior is this info when I try to move root to USB
“Incompatible selection detected!
Move root to USB can only be used on a Raspberry Pi!”
I was doing this one year ago on the same hardware and it was working.