[SOLVED] Not able to detect Zwave key presses inside rules

Well, I am right now in a dead end. :cry:

This is after the update, I’ve clicked on the button DOWN and then UP, this is what I see in the log…

After what update?
What does Association group 2 look like on the UI page?
Have you taken node 1 out and added 23 and 75?

I had to update the zwave database to reflect the group change in the Associations, here:

Do you mean here?

Yes. Try to take controller out and add nodes you want to control. Then test, but don’t filter the log, so we can see what happens to the other nodes

Edit: earlier today I took the controller out of group 2 in the DB and marked Request Review”

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Thank you SOO much Bob! I want to pay you a beer, how can I do that?

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