Hello all,
I have a Openhab 2.3 version running in a Debian 8 platform.
Until 2 months ago I had my Openhab 1.8.3 running smooth and decided to upgrade to 2.3, everithing went well with just a few bumps that where solved.
The issue that I bring is that the Openhab ramdomly (can take one day… one week …) stops the normal work; it still opens thru the web acess or the habdroid but the switches when acted dont change the icon state, graphics are not displayed and seems to me that rules are not activated.
Cheking the logs (openhab.log) all are ok without errors and if I try to restart the service (service openhab2 restart) it stays forever waiting.
Can someone help, this installation is controlling all my house and farm and when is hangs it gives me BIG problems.
Aftres some time having randomly this problem I reinstalled the Debian (upgraded it to 9) and installed all the other packages including OPENHAB and the problem until now didnt appeared yet.