Hi together,
I’m trying to included a Popp Mold detector (https://www.cd-jackson.com/index.php/zwave/zwave-device-database/zwave-device-list/devicesummary/990) and it looks like it’s working, but the XML file (var/lib/openhab2/zwave) is not being generated, and I’m not receiving any sensor data. I tried it over 10 times. What could be the issue? To my understanding this means, that the inclusion process is not complete, but I tried it many times and work up the device multiple times. I don’t know what else I can do.
OH 2.5.1, trying to include within Habmin. Device is <1m away.
No, it means the OpenHAB discovery process is not complete. You can delete and re-discover the Thing. It must be kept awake long enough to get fully discovered. You do NOT need to exclude and re-include into the Z-Wave network.
Thanks. You were right. I took more than 20 times and the description of the device was wrong.
I had to triple click to the tamper button to wakeup the device (description says single click) and that almost 20 times. After that it’s fully included
Just some info for someone struggling with this device.
I also bought it and had the same problems. Looks like you have to press the tamper button 3 times within 1,5 seconds really often!
this is my log to give you an indication (i almost continuesly pressed the tamper button 3 times, waited for the leds to go off and pressed it again.):
2020-09-05 11:26:58.750 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:a50060f6:node12’ changed from ONLINE to ONLINE: Node initialising: ASSOCIATIONS
2020-09-05 11:28:21.818 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:a50060f6:node12’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: ASSOCIATIONS to ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_WAKEUP
2020-09-05 11:28:49.891 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:a50060f6:node12’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_WAKEUP to ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_ASSOCIATION
2020-09-05 11:29:40.268 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Hal_allowed changed from OFF to ON
2020-09-05 11:31:31.519 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:a50060f6:node12’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_ASSOCIATION to ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_LIFELINE
2020-09-05 11:32:13.417 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:a50060f6:node12’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: SET_LIFELINE to ONLINE: Node initialising: GET_CONFIGURATION
2020-09-05 11:33:08.890 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - Slaapkamer_vocht changed from NULL to 41
2020-09-05 11:33:08.942 [vent.ItemStateChangedEvent] - ZWaveNode012POPE701202PoppMoldDetector_SensorTemperature changed from NULL to 28.6 °C
2020-09-05 11:33:09.084 [hingStatusInfoChangedEvent] - ‘zwave:device:a50060f6:node12’ changed from ONLINE: Node initialising: GET_CONFIGURATION to ONLINE